Intelligent Transport Systems: Current and future Research and Innovations trends
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Prof. Tatiana Kováčikov, ERA Chair Holder at the University of Žilina will present Current and future Research and Innovations trends in Intelligent Transport Systems. She will focus on technological, societal and ethical aspects of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles.
Transport is currently in transition. This transition is driven by three major underlying trends affecting transportation systems: decarbonisation, digitalisation, and diversification. Digitalisation is a technological disruption which sees the increasing merging of the mobility sector with information and communication technologies (ICT), rebranded under the sweeping terms Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), or ‘Smart Mobility’. Solutions target all parts of the transport system: real-time traffic monitoring and control and infrastructure management, end-user services such as mobility-as-a service (MaaS), car/bike sharing, carpooling or eco-driving apps, as well as vehicle-specific technologies, particularly in terms of automation. Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) have the potential to improve road safety, decrease traffic congestion and offer new mobility opportunities. Technological developments in the field of CAVs are gathering speed and several Member are trialling them on public roads within large scale EU projects. Despite the increasing awareness on CAVs’ ethical and social aspects, these seem currently out of scope of CAV tests, which focus on technological aspects. Addressing ethical and societal concerns of CAVs must have a central role in the process of securing public and societal acceptance and trust. Further research and innovation in the areas such as dilemma-based situations, responsibility, cybersecurity and data protection are of vital importance to have the right science and knowledge available in time.