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Program - ITAPA 2019 International Congress

12:00 - 13:00 Registration
13:00 – 15:00 New programming period - translated

Cohesion policy is one of Europe's most important strategies. For Slovakia, this policy is even more important as the resources from the European Structural and Investment Funds represent the major part of public investment. In addition to funds that are managed in the form of shared management directly in Slovakia, we also have access to Community instruments resources, which are, however, used at a very low rate. The panel will be dedicated to the new programming period strategy. Which way Slovakia has to take to succeed? Will the period really start in 2021? How is the preparation of the new partnership agreement going? What additional resources will Slovakia benefit from? What will be the structure of the operational programs? And will Slovakia have resources for further development of state IT? How can we prepare for more efficient drawing?

Samuel Arbe, ITAPA
Introductory speech
Denisa Žiláková, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic for Investments and Informatization
Setting of a new programming period
Richard Filčák, Slovak Academy Of Sciences
Preparation of the partnership agreement
Barbara Jermol Marcinčák, European Commisson, Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy
A comprehensive view of investment and cohesion after 2021
Radoslav Repa, expert on digital transformation
Financing IT in future
13:00 – 15:00 Procurement

The end of 2019 is getting closer as well as the election and the programming period. Therefore, it is the right time for evaluation. What is the current state of public procurement? Has a system of fast and efficient procurement been set up? Or is procurement still the main risk of any IT project?

Milan Ištván, Partnerships for Prosperity
Introductory speech
Vladimír Oros, Tatratender
Jaroslav Lexa, Office for Public Procurement
Martin Motyčka, MOVYS
15:00 - 15:30 End of Pre-event day