Susana Rodrigues Salgado
Susana is head of eGovernment projects in INDRA/Minsait, collaborating in the strategy and development of digital transformation in local and regional governments. She has developed her career as a Computer Engineer in different positions and companies in the information technology and services industry in Portugal and Spain. Since 2008 has been leading several strategic projects in INDRA. Actually, she is a manager in the area of Public Administrations in this company. During her career in INDRA, Susana has acquired experience and knowledge in management and development of valuable IT solutions and services in the most important areas of the public sector, such as Electronic Administration, Justice and Dependence and Social issues. She also has participated in electoral processes in Spain. She has recently been appointed for representing INDRA/Minsait in the Galicia ECO of Alastria, whose main objective is to impulse the development of Blockchain technology in this region of Spain.
Digital transformation of municipalities in Spain
We will talk about some success cases of simplification and modernization of administrative procedures. At this point, the objective is to improve the operation of Local and Regional Government, promoting interoperability and reuse of resources and information, and bringing eGovernment to people through an electronic secure channel that allows a simpler communication of citizens, professionals and companies with public authorities. In order to achieve this goal, we will always have to take a user-centric look, which allows all groups in society, in any territory, to become part of Digital Transformation. We will present the examples of eGovernment platforms in Spain, that we have brought into operation in the Galicia region.