Pavel Bojňanský
Born on 27 August
Changes in the Management of eGovernment in Slovakia
Discussion round table: Slovakia 2020
Stakeholders discussion on digital development trends in the country and position of Slovakia during the EU Presidency, regarding the main digital EU initiatives; goals in digitalization towards 2020
Invited guests:
Pavel Bojňanský
Emil Fitoš (ATOS)
Milan Ftáčnik (Slovenská informatická spoločnosť)
Ľubor Illek (Slovensko.Digital)
Milan Ištván (Partnerships for Prosperity)
Rastislav Janota (NASES)
Štefan Kišš (Institute for Financial Policy)
Roman Konečný (National Security Authority)
Peter Kostolný (Government Office of the SR)
Mário Lelovský (ITAS)
Miloš Molnár (ideata Europe)
Round Table Discussion: A Battle of Digital Platforms in Europe?
With increasing usage of electronic services and digital content, EU is confronted with success of global platforms and networks. What is the way through? What are the pro´s and con´s? What are the positions of strong IT leaders in these questions? EC just announced proposal for update of EU audio-visual rules as well as presented targeted approach to online platforms. The goal of the roundtable is to reflect on these topics and present positions of EU countries, as well as economic challenges and opportunities connected with this approach.
Panellists and introductory speakers:- Juraj Bárdy, Chief Data Officer
- Dagmar Bošanská, the coordinator of the national strategy for the implementation of the digital single market
Download presentation
- Martin Bailey, acting Head of Digital Single Market Unit, DG CNECT, European Commission
Download presentation
- Pascal Rogard, Counsellor for Telecommunications, Information Society and Postal Services, Permanent Representation of France to the EU
Download presentation
- Gunther Grathwohl, Telecommunications and Information Society, Postal Affairs, Permanent Representation of the Federal Republic of Germany to the EU
- James Waterworth, Vice President, Computer and Communications Industry Association (CCIA) Europe
- Mette Schiøtz Sørensen, Danish Business Authority
- Pavel Bojňanský, Ministry of Finance SR
Building of the basic components of the eGovernment. What has been done and what is not?
European Funds for information society have brought a significant shift in the citizen-state relationship. We have IDs with a chip and electronic signature, central portal with e-mail inboxes, basic registers, governmental cloud and citizens can handle key public administrations on the internet. However, we might be more satisfied if not for the experiment of interruption of eGovernment implementation in 2010-2012. -
Current challenges – Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic point of view
The approval of new framework of funding from European Funds for development of eGovernment – priority axis 7 Information Society under Operation Programme Integrated Infrastructure does not mean that we will neglect to finish OPIS projects and headlessly launch OPII implementation. We first need to finish key e-Government projects – registers and moduls of the Central Government Portal, and successfully integrate them with big systems of tax and customs, health-care, social benefits, municipality and educational system. -
Cloud strategy
When I tell you that our goal is to migrate 240 governmental server rooms into 2, do it in course of 7 years and build IT services from central offerings (in infrastructure, platforms and services such as real-estate management, human resources, vehicles, control, education, desk management, e.i.) you will probably tell me that you know better science-fiction...This is what we plan to do. -
Minidiscussion with Pavel Bojňanský, MF SR
Opening Ceremony
Program management office SORO OPIS as a tool of OPIS projects accelerator. Program management office has improved long lasting state of neglected project governance. It has changed an approach from monitoring to "proactive" governance. It has set effective program management processes and supervision, including publication of methodologies.
Current status and prospects of e-Government in Slovakia - 1st priority axis
Challenges of contractors and suppliers in the implementation of OPIS projects
e-Government Status and Outlook in Slovakia
Status of OPIS projects to april 2012
Actual informations about public administration in Slovakia