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/ Lecture
Discussion of invited guests:
Andrej Doležal, Minister of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic
Peter Čapkovič, Orange
Milan Ištván, PPP
Rafal Jaczyński, Huawei
Ivan Marták, Office for the Regulation of Electronic Communications and Postal Services
Peter Šebo, PS:Digital
Radoslav Repa, MIRRI


Milan Ištván

Partnerships for Prosperity
Milan Ištván studied journalism in Bratislava and Paris. In the years 1998 to 2002, he was the youngest member of the National Assembly of the Slovak Republic, dealing with topics such as Internet for schools, liberalization of the telecommunications market, and the law on electronic signatures. Since 2002, in the civil association Partnerships for Prosperity (PPP), he has been dedicated to supporting the informatization of society. He is a member of the Government Council of the Slovak Republic for the digitization of public administration and the single digital market and several working groups dedicated to eGovernment, Broadband and the implementation of EU funds in the digital field.
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Radoslav Repa

expert on digital transformation
Radoslav Repa started his professional career as a civil servant in the Government Office of the Slovak Republic where he later worked as a Director of the Department for Electronic and Network Services, mostly focusing on network management of the governmental Govnet network and the Central Digital Portal of Public Administration providing electronic services for citizens and businesses, which he helped to launch in 2006. Then he served in the Foreign Ministry as a consultant for corporate IT systems development and ICT structural funds manager. From early 2009 he worked in the Slovak Permanent Representation in Brussels as a digital and cyber attaché, advocating the national interests and negotiating the agreed positions on strategi…
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Rafał Jaczyński

Rafał Jaczyński started his cybersecurity career 22 years ago, long before cybersecurity became hip. As a Chief Information Security Officer he created and led global teams in companies such as Orange, Vodafone and Staples Solutions, and as a head of PwC cyber advisory practice in Central and Eastern Europe he advised top international companies in communications, media, energy and financial sectors. Now in Huawei Rafal is responsible for cybersecurity in 28 countries, spanning the whole portfolio of Huawei products and services – from 5G to Internet of Things, from Smart Cities to Artificial Intelligence, from things we can carry, to things we can drive.
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Ivan Marták

Office for the Regulation of Electronic Communications and Postal Services
Ivan Marták has 30 years of experience in the electronic communications sector. From the beginning of his professional career, he worked in technical and managerial positions in Slovak Telekom and Orange Slovakia. For the last eight months before his election as Chairman, he worked in the Office for the Regulation of Electronic Communications and Postal Services (RÚ) as the Head of the Strategy Department. From September 2020 he is the Chairman of the Regional Office.  
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Peter Šebo

Peter Šebo is the founder and Chief Digital Office of the digital marketing agency PS:Digital, which has made several successful campaigns in terms of creativity, efficiency or digital PR. He has been involved in digital marketing since 2006 and, in addition to his agency duties, he also lectures at conferences or schools. He is also the organizer of the largest conference on digital marketing, Digital Rulezz.
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Andrej Doležal

Minister of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic
Was born on 23 March 1981 in Bratislava. After graduating from the Secondary School of Electrical Engineering of Karol Adler, he opted for the studies of process controland regulation, specializing in proposing the algorithms for control and optimization at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Slovak Technical University. He completed the studies in 2004 with the Master of Engineering degree. He has vast experience inoperational management and strategic development in the media industry and telecommunications sector. He has long-standing experienceinmanaging a greater team of employees (450+), being liable for an entrusted budget and, especially, in bringing together cultural, regional and professionally var…
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Peter Čapkovič

Orange Slovensko
He graduated from EF STU with a degree in Technical Cybernetics. Throughout his professional career, he has held various positions related to the development of telecommunications services. In 2005 and 2006, he worked for the Orange Group's headquarters in London, where he was in charge of preparing a strategy for services to corporate customers and multinational companies. In recent years, he has been working in the field of strategic planning associated with the launch of services of new mobile generations, formerly 4G and now 5G. He also participates in the analysis and design of information technology services for corporate clients.
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