Discussion of invited guests:
Eduard Heger, Minister of Finance SR
Céline Gauer, European Commission (invited)
Ladislav Miko, Representative of European Commission in Slovakia
Jana Ježíková, Ministry of Health SR
Ján Oravec, Ministry of Economy SR
Ivan Mikloš, MESA
Marek Antal, MIRRI
Rudolf Urbánek, Microsoft Slovakia
Eduard Heger, Minister of Finance SR
Céline Gauer, European Commission (invited)
Ladislav Miko, Representative of European Commission in Slovakia
Jana Ježíková, Ministry of Health SR
Ján Oravec, Ministry of Economy SR
Ivan Mikloš, MESA
Marek Antal, MIRRI
Rudolf Urbánek, Microsoft Slovakia
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Ivan Mikloš
Ivan Mikloš was Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of Slovak Republic in 2010 – 2012 and 2002 – 2006. He was Deputy Prime Minister for Economics in the first government of Mikuláš Dzurinda in 1998 – 2002. In 1991 he became a Minister for Privatisation (1991 – 1992). Consequently in 1992 he co-founded and led economic think-tank MESA 10 (until 1998). In years 2006-10 and 2012-2016 he was a member of National Council of the Slovak Republic. In 2014 he was re-elected as president of MESA 10 think-tank and became a member of International Advisory Body for National Reform Council of Ukraine and VoxUkraine platform. Since February 2015 he was the general advisor to Minister of Finance of Ukraine and advisor to Minister of Economy o…
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Ladislav Miko
As the representative of the EC, Ladislav Miko's mission is to be the eyes, ears and voice of the European Commission in Slovakia, to be in contact with national authorities and stakeholders, as well as to inform the media and the public about EU policies. He previously worked for the European Commission as Director in the Directorate-General for the Environment and later as Deputy Director-General in the EC's Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety, where he was responsible for food chain safety. In the past, he worked as a Deputy Minister at the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic and also temporarily held the position of Minister of the Environment of the Czech Republic. He began his career at the Slovak Academy o…
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Rudolf Urbánek
Since early 2018, Rudolf Urbánek has been managing the Czech and Slovak branch of Microsoft. For 16 years he worked for the T-Mobile Czech Republic and Slovak Telekom, where he has been Executive Director of the Corporate Customer segment for the Czech and Slovak markets in recent years. He was responsible for the entire business strategy of both countries and participated in a number of significant changes related to the development of the telecommunications market as well as the transformation of the company. He was responsible for the business integration of T-Mobile, GTS and T-Systems and successfully managed the transition of T-Mobile Czech Republic to a fully integrated ICT and telco operator in the corporate segment. In the past h…
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Marek Antal
He started his career at VSŽ Košice as a programmer. Later he became a manager in various positions with responsibility for IT systems, many of which have been operating successfully to this day. After the extensive experience, he then decided to build new IT companies of Ness KDC in Košice and GlobalLogic, which targeted customers abroad. In this highly competitive environment, the company managed to create a working IT Valley model where he became Chairman of the Supervisory Board. His 20-year-lasting career allowed him to travel a lot, taught him about himself and about the great potential of his own country.
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Eduard Heger
Eduard Heger was born on May 3, 1976. He graduated from the University of Economics in Bratislava. He worked as a manager in various companies, but also as a consultant at the Ministry of Defense of the Slovak Republic. He was at the birth of the well-known Slovak brand, which became famous in the USA. He was the second most active member of parliament in the last parliamentary term.
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Ján Oravec
Mr. Ján O R A V E C is the 1st State Secretary of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic. From 2003 to 2020 he served as a President of The Entrepreneurs Association of Slovakia. He is a founding member and a member of a Presidium of the National Union of Employers. As a Chairman of its´ European Affairs and Foreign Relations Committee he represented Slovak employers in international organizations of employers, in BusinessEurope in Brussels, in BIAC at OECD, and in IOE at the International Labour Organization in Geneva.
In 1999-2002 Mr. Oravec was working as a Chief of Strategy at the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic. During that period he served as a chairman and member of various Supervisory Boards and Boards of D…
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Jana Ježíková
She has been dedicated to healthcare throughout her professional career since 2000. In 2002, she became a member of the reform team of the Minister of Health, where she also worked as an analyst for health insurance. During the same period, she headed the Department of Health Insurance and Health Awards at the Ministry of Health. She has supplemented her knowledge of health care reform with training courses at the Harvard School of Public Health (Harvard University, Boston) and at the training center at Semmelweis University in Budapest. Subsequently, she applied her experience as a member of the Health Insurance Appeals Committee at the Office for Health Care Supervision and from 2010 to 2012 as the Director of the Health Strategy and P…
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