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/ Lecture
Discussion of invited speakers:
Jaroslav Ďurovka, ORANGE
Juraj Eliáš, O2 Slovakia
Ivan Marták, Úrad pre reguláciu elektronických komunikácií a poštových služieb
Rene Summer, Ericcson
Marian Ščasný, Úrad pre reguláciu elektronických komunikácií a poštových služieb
Tomáš Vobruba, CheckPoint

Tomáš Vobruba

Check Point
For the last 3 years he has been working as a Technical Precision Specialist for the Slovak Republic at Check Point. Throughout his 20- years lasting professional carrier, he worked at AEC, where he gained a lot of experience in the security of information systems. He has received a number of certificates from professional training on Unix / Linux, antivirus products, system security and analysis, data encryption, and others. Vobruba leads technical training on threat prevention, encryption, network (Internet) communications and security, and firewall security issues.
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Jaroslav Ďurovka

National Cyber Security Center
In 2000, he successfully completed his studies at the Faculty of Law, Comenius University in Bratislava. After a short period of employment at Matador – Obnova, a.s. in Bratislava, in June 2001 he took up the position of senior lawyer at Globtel, a. s., Bratislava (later Orange Slovensko, a.s. since 2002). Since 2003, he has been professionally profiled as a legal advisor in the field of regulatory relations, personal data protection and information security. In early 2005, he was involved in the establishment of Orange CorpSec, s.r.o. and became Deputy Director of Corporate Security for Orange Slovensko, a.s. During his 10-year career, he has worked as a manager primarily in the field of personal data protection (in 2014 he also became …
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Juraj Eliáš

O2 Slovakia
Juraj Elias leads network infrastructure division and technical operations at O2 Slovakia since 2016 while also serves as the member of the Board of Management. In his current role the main focus is to drive transformation and pursue development of robust, reliable and safe network infrastructure optimized for converged mobile and fixed services, NFV and upcoming 5G era. Juraj holds Master's degree in telecommunications and his professional career began more than 30 years ago at the Telecommunication Research Institute. Prior joining O2, he spent more than 20 years working at senior management positions for variety of Service Providers, such as Euroweb, Nextra, Telenor Networks or GTS Slovakia. He has extensive experiences in the area …
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Ivan Marták

Office for the Regulation of Electronic Communications and Postal Services
Ivan Marták has 30 years of experience in the electronic communications sector. From the beginning of his professional career, he worked in technical and managerial positions in Slovak Telekom and Orange Slovakia. For the last eight months before his election as Chairman, he worked in the Office for the Regulation of Electronic Communications and Postal Services (RÚ) as the Head of the Strategy Department. From September 2020 he is the Chairman of the Regional Office.  
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Rene Summer

Rene Summer is Director of Government and Industry Relations at Ericsson Group working on developing positive long- term industry policies in the ICT sector, shaping Ericsson’s policy thought leadership, fostering trust and constructive long-term relationships with key policy makers and stake-holders. Rene is responsible for driving Ericsson’s global policy issues in the following areas; Cyber-Security, Privacy, and Digital Trade Policy. In the context of cyber security public policy, Rene is Ericsson’s global point of contact concerning policy topics regarding 5G security and supply chain integrity. Rene has a broad international policy experience, engaging with policy makers across many jurisdictions and he is also active in several…
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Marián Ščasný

Úrad pre reguláciu elektronických komunikácií a poštových služieb
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