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Healthcare data in managing clinical care and public health; visions and practicalities

/ Lecture

Adam Kozierkiewicz

European Investment Bank, JASPERS
Adam Kozierkiewicz MD., PhD, a graduate of Faculty of Medicine at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow (1992). post-graduate trainings and studies in the School of Public Health at the Jagiellonian University, the Harvard University, Boston, MA, the Semmelweis University, Budapest and Warsaw School of Economics (SGH). Adam had been working for the Jagiellonian University Medical College, as a researcher and lecturer since the beginning of 1990-ties until 2008. In 1998 he was appointed vice Director, and later a Director of Health Information Department, the Polish Ministry of Health. After restructuring the Ministry, he became the first director of the Centre of Health Information Systems, responsible for developing variety of projec…
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