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Miriam Lapuníková
She has been working at the University Hospital since 2005 when she started as Head of the Economics Department and became a General Manager later. She is a graduate of Public Economics and Administration, specializing in Health Management at the Faculty of Economics, UMB. She earned her MBA from the Sales Manager Academy in Bratislava. She also works as a member of the board of Association of State Hospitals.
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Adam Kozierkiewicz
Adam Kozierkiewicz MD., PhD, a graduate of Faculty of Medicine at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow (1992). post-graduate trainings and studies in the School of Public Health at the Jagiellonian University, the Harvard University, Boston, MA, the Semmelweis University, Budapest and Warsaw School of Economics (SGH).
Adam had been working for the Jagiellonian University Medical College, as a researcher and lecturer since the beginning of 1990-ties until 2008. In 1998 he was appointed vice Director, and later a Director of Health Information Department, the Polish Ministry of Health. After restructuring the Ministry, he became the first director of the Centre of Health Information Systems, responsible for developing variety of projec…
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Gerd-Uwe Weller
Vyštudoval ekonómiu na univerzite v Pasove v Nemecku.
Predtým osem rokov pracoval na mnohých pozíciách pre KfW.
Od roku 2006 Gerd pracuje v Európskej investičnej banke na rôznych pozíciách, napríklad ako úverový referent pre transakcie vo verejnom a súkromnom sektore v Rakúsku a Nemecku, vedúci kancelárie EIBG v Nemecku a country manager pre Albánsko a Severné Macedónsko. V súčasnosti, od apríla 2020, zastáva pozíciu vedúceho kancelárie EIBG na Slovensku.
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Marcin Jędrychowski
Marcin Jędrychowski, graduate of Faculty of Management, Cracow University of Economics (1998-2002)
Marcin had been working for the Jagiellonian University Medical College, as a specialist for EU projects and after as a Head of EU Projects Department. In 2008 he become Deputy Bursar of Jagiellonian University in Krakow for Medical College Affairs. He had been working on this position till 2016.
In the meantime (2010-2011) on the order of the Minister of Science, as Financial Director he was responsible for co-creation National Science Centre Poland.
In 2016 he become Rector's Proxy for New Headquarters of University Hospital. He was responsible for coordinating the construction and equipping of the facility together as well as pr…
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Henrik Schødts
Henrik is a CEO and partner of "not a box" company. He was a deputy hospital CEO and Project Chief Executive of North Zealand Hospital in Denmark between 2011 and 2020. Henrik is also a co-founder and chairman of healthcare living lab “Nordic Health Lab” and was appointed as Europe50 future leader in healthcare, innovation and technology.
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