Fatal consequences of underestimating cyber risks in digital innovation in healthcare
In healthcare, potential data leakage has twice the weigh because it is information about the health of specific people. The direct proportion applies: the more sensitive the data, the higher their value, and thus the greater the motivation for various hacker groups to launch attacks on authorities, institutions or directly on healthcare providers with health data. All the more necessary is the need to monitor and evaluate cyber risks throughout the sector and then take preventive measures.
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Roman Varga
Roman Varga covers the area of cyber security at Dôvera. He submits proposals for improvements in the field of cyber security to the company's management and covers the protection of an organization's information assets by implementing and managing cyber security processes. Conceptually manages the organization's cyber security. Covers the response to security incidents and proposes corrective measures. Roman plans how to develop cyber education and test employees on current security threats. Plans and covers the testing of vulnerabilities in the organisation's IS and IT services. Audits key IS suppliers and intermediaries in accordance with the GDPR. Collaborates to improve the sectoral level of cyber security.
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