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/ Lecture

Peter Sinčák

Technical University of Kosice
Prof. Peter Sinčák works as the head of the Department of Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence and his main area of interest is artificial intelligence and social robotics. He collaborates with foreign experts in this field, including the USA, the EU and Asia. Prof. Sinčák was a trainer of several PhD students who successfully completed their studies and excelled in the field of artificial intelligence. At the Technical University of Košice (TUKE), he is the guarantor of the IT department of the intelligent systems program. He is a co-founder of the Center for Intelligent Systems at TUKE (1995), the Slovak Society for Artificial Intelligence (2000) and is also the chairman of the scientific board of the Slovak Center for Artificial In…
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Vladimír Šucha

Representation of the European Commission in Slovakia
Vladimír Šucha has been the Head of the European Commission Representation in Slovakia since 2022. In 2021, he was sent by the European Commission to UNESCO in Paris and before that, since 2012, he had managed the European Commission's Scientific and Knowledge Service - Joint Research Center. From 2006 to 2012, he worked as the Director of the EC's Directorate-General for Education and Culture. Prior to joining the European Commission, he held several positions related to European and international politics. In 2005-2006 he founded the Agency for the Support of Research and Development in Bratislava. In the years 2000-2004, he was a member of the Slovak team that negotiated Slovakia's accession to the EU in Brussels. At the same time, he…
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Gabriel Galgóci

The Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic
For more than two decades he has been working for the multinational company AT&T, which operates one of the largest shared services centers in Slovakia and since 2008. He has been the head of the Slovak branch as a country manager. He is the chairman of the Business Service Center Forum (BSCF), which unites and represents three dozen service and outsourcing centers in Slovakia. BSCF is part of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Slovak Republic (AmCham Slovakia). Gabriel is also the chairman of the board of the Center for Artificial Intelligence - CUI, an independent interest association of legal entities, whose ambition is to develop excellence and bring together experts and those interested in artificial intelligence. He graduated …
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Igor Farkaš

Department of Applied Informatics, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Commenius University in Bratislava
Prof. Igor Farkaš has been working (since 2015) as the head of the Department of Applied Informatics at FMFI UK in Bratislava and professionally focused  in the field of artificial intelligence, specializing in the so-called a subsymbol, nature-inspired approach using neurocomputing. He has long been concerned with the study of computational properties of various models of artificial neural networks and their use in modeling cognitive functions (eg first modeling of natural language, later cognitive robotics). He worked in the USA (Fulbright scholarship and as a post doctoral student) and Germany (Humboldt scholarship). He leads the national projects VEGA, APVV and KEGA. He is the co-author of about 100 papers in international journals a…
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Juraj Čorba

Ministry of investments, regional development and informatization, SR
Juraj Čorba has been working at the Digital Agenda Section of MIRRI SR (Artificial Intelligence Agenda) since 2021. He is a former representative of the Slovak Republic before the EU courts and a lawyer. Author of the script of an experimental graphic novel dealing with the moral and professional challenges associated with the advent of artificial intelligence (All Those Worlds, 2019).  
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