Gustaf Neumann
Gustaf Neumann was appointed as Chair of Information Systems and New Media at the University of Economics and Business (WU) in Vienna, Austria in October 1999. Before joining WU he was Chair of the department of Information Systems and Software Techniques at the University of Essen, Germany, from 1995 to 1999.
Gustaf Neumann is native of Vienna, Austria. He graduated from the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration in 1983 and holds a Ph.D. from the same university. He joined the faculty of WU in 1983 as Assistant Professor at the MIS department and served as head of the research group for Logic Programming and Intelligent Information Systems. Before becoming a full professor at the University of Essen, Gustaf Neumann was a visiting scientist at IBM's T.J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, NY, from 1985-1986 and 1993-1995 (working e.g. on the Syllog system).
In 1987 he was awarded the Heinz-Zemanek award of the Austrian Association of Computer Science (OCG) for best dissertation Metainterpreter Directed Compilation of Logic Programs into Prolog in the field of computer science. In 1988 he received the Senator Wilhelm Wilfing Price (research recognition) and in 2005 the WU Best Paper Award (highest valued price from universities for research publications). In 2007, Gustaf Neumann received the Senator Wilhelm Wilfing Price a second time.
Professor Neumann has published books and papers in the areas of program transformation, data modeling, and information systems technology with a focus on e-learning applications. He is a founding member of the Virtual Global University where he is responsible for the course Advanced Web Engineering. He is/was the scientific lead heading of several EC IST research projects such as UNIVERSAL, Elena, iCAMP and Prolix. He is member of the Steering Board of the Network of Excellence ProLearn and the knowledge broker EducaNext. Gustaf Neumann is as well heading the Learn@WU project, which is one of the most intensively used e-learning platforms worldwide. Recently, Gustaf Neumann was elected to the Board of Directors of the .LRN Consortium and to the OpenACS core team.
Gustaf Neumann is the author of several widely used open source software packages, such as the TeX-dvi converter dvi2xx (dvi2lj is part of practically every TeX installation), diac4.tar.gz (a program to convert words with diacritical characters "ascii german" into iso-8859, i.e. replace "ae" etc into umlauts), the graphical frontend package Wafe, the Web-browser Cineast, and the object oriented scripting language XOTcl. Gustaf Neumann is actively contributing to several larger open source software products such as OpenACS and the Aolserver AOLserver. Gustaf Neumann is a Linux User since 1992 (Linux 0.96).
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Learn@WU - Supporting the Excellency in Education
Learn@WU, the eLearning platform of Vienna University of Economics and Business, is one of the most intensely used eLearning platforms in higher education worldwide. The platform is entirely based on open source components and provides a convenient electronic environment for all courses of the university. More than 120.000 mostly interactive learning materials are available and particularly cover the complete first year of bachelor studies. WU uses its eLearning platform to offer a blend of knowledge transfer techniques, where each approach is used according to specific teaching needs.
The presentation focuses on the progress of Learn@WU from a project to an infrastructure and gives an overview of key figures and success factors. Examples of elementary functionalities illustrate the significance of Learn@WU as learning and teaching environment.