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/ Lecture

Emil Fitoš

IT Association of Slovakia
After studies and business, Emil Fitoš spent more than 20 years of his working life at Siemens and later at Atos. In 2014, he became CEO of Atos Slovakia and Czech Republic. Under his leadership, Atos was one of the leading companies on the market with a significant innovative contribution. On 21 June 2017, he was elected President of the IT Association of Slovakia and will defend the position in 2019, 2021 and 2023. He serves as an advisor to the Slovak Government and Deputy Chairman of the Slovak Government Council for the Digitization of the Public Sector and the Digital Single Market. He also influences the digitalisation of Slovakia through his involvement in the activities of the Digital Coalition and the Centre for Artificial Inte…
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Ivan Mikloš

ex-Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of Slovak Republic
Ivan Mikloš was Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of Slovak Republic in 2010 – 2012 and 2002 – 2006. He was Deputy Prime Minister for Economics in the first government of Mikuláš Dzurinda in 1998 – 2002. In 1991 he became a Minister for Privatisation (1991 – 1992). Consequently in 1992 he co-founded and led economic think-tank MESA 10 (until 1998). In years 2006-10 and 2012-2016 he was a member of National Council of the Slovak Republic. In 2014 he was re-elected as president of MESA 10 think-tank and became a member of International Advisory Body for National Reform Council of Ukraine and VoxUkraine platform. Since February 2015 he was the general advisor to Minister of Finance of Ukraine and advisor to Minister of Economy o…
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Dušan Velič

Ministry of investments, regional development and informatization SR
Dušan Velič is the State Secretary of the Ministry of Investment, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic. He brings to his work experience from working at the academy and foreign institutions, or from cooperation with the Nobel Prize winner for physical chemistry, Professor Gerhard Ertl. He is still active as a professor at Comenius University in Bratislava and as a scientist at the International Laser Center, which he founded. He has devoted his entire life to the transfer of innovation. At MIRDI SR, he is currently responsible for investment management, creating a suitable environment for the development of innovations in many areas and regional development.  
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Peter Lukeš

businessman and investor
After graduating from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at STU with a specialization in Computers, he worked as a teacher at his alma mater, where he dealt with the issue of artificial intelligence. In 1992, he founded DITEC, which has been one of the largest Slovak IT companies developing software for 23 years. He is a co-owner of the development company Immocap, which is currently promoting the Nový Istropolis project at Trnavský mýto in Bratislava. The project is to bring to Bratislava the most modern multifunctional cultural and congress center in cooperation with the world's architectural and urban leaders. The companies in its portfolio also include the company T.O.P Auto, which represents 5 global cars, including Land Rover an…
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Martin Kanovský

Ministerstvo školstva, vedy, výskumu a športu SR
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Andrej Krupa

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