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What does hospitals need?

/ Lecture

Vladimír Mičieta

Dr. Vladimír Mičieta leads the Slovak branch of the international company Medtronic, the world leader in the development of medical technologies and at the same time he chairs the Slovak Association of Medical Devices Suppliers SK + MED. He has been working in the health sector for more than 15 years. He is intensively involved in the transformation of the health system and broadening access to meaningful innovations.
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Miriam Lapuníková

University Hospital with the Policlinic of F. D. Roosevelt
She has been working at the University Hospital since 2005 when she started as Head of the Economics Department and became a General Manager later. She is a graduate of Public Economics and Administration, specializing in Health Management at the Faculty of Economics, UMB. She earned her MBA from the Sales Manager Academy in Bratislava. She also works as a member of the board of Association of State Hospitals.
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Martina Antošová

M-Change s.r.o., HealthHub
CEO of M-Change s.r.o. and as a senior project manager at HealthHub - Centre for Innovative Healthcare. She specializes in the preparation and coordination of national and international projects funded from various sources and the comprehensive implementation of these projects. Her focus is primarily on the areas of digitalization, applied research, clinical trials, and investment projects. Currently, she leads a dynamically developing company with an international reach. She participates in the preparation of strategic documents for VAIA in the working group of the Healthy Society domain. She is involved in the transformation of healthcare, processes for improving the quality and economy of healthcare, and activities in patient safety.…
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Ján Krajči

Government Office of the SR
He works as the director of the project management department at the information technology section of the Government Office of the Slovak Republic. He graduated from the faculty of management at the Comenius University in Bratislava, and has been working in public administration for more than 10 years. He worked in the positions of financial manager and project manager, has many years of experience in the implementation of projects financed by EŠIF, with work in SAP, RIS and Manex. He is the main contact person in the implementation of CES at the Government Office of the Slovak Republic.
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Robert Hill

Nemocnica Penta Hospitals Bory
Robert Hill - current medical director of Penta Hospitals Bory, which will open next spring. He previously worked as the Medical Director of the ProCare Network of Polyclinics and World Health Hospitals.
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Tomáš Varadínek

Within the national project, he went through almost all levels and positions. He started as a project manager responsible for innovation workshops at high schools and universities, where he also personally worked as a lecturer. Subsequently, he held the position of head of the department responsible for marketing, communication and education. After successfully stabilizing the department, he transferred to the department responsible for providing financial and non-financial assistance to companies and organizations. In cooperation with a team of experts, it was possible to implement support in the form of innovation vouchers, which represent direct financial assistance that companies can use when implementing new ideas and th…
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Silvia Pekarčíková

Žilina self-governing region
Since 2018, she has been working as the director of the health department in the Žilina self-governing region. staffs and commissions at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Its priority is the management of the regional health system, the creation of a health policy strategy and, within the framework of original competences, the implementation of the transferred performance of the state administration. By going through clinical practice in a hospital, the world of laboratory diagnostics and managing medical projects in a network of private hospitals, she was able to gain a considerable overview and attitude to the needs of the Slovak healthcare system. The management of hospitals and polyclinics and health care centers in the scope of the e…
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