A new type of war in the new world. The first war that transcended physical dimensions and spilled over into the virtual world. Thus, the catastrophe that is happening in Ukraine will probably go down in history. A war that also takes place on social networks, in discussions, but also through cyber attacks. A war where the acquisition and rapid processing of information, for example from the telephone network, can lead to effective tactical attacks. So what is the experience of the military conflict in Europe? How will the security map of Europe be redrawn and what is the impact on the digital dimension of the military conflict? Who wins the battle for public opinion? Why did Ukraine not disintegrate under the onslaught of the disinformation campaign? Why don't we see large-scale successful cyber attacks? What unexpected digital tools have emerged?
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Tomáš Valášek
Before being elected in 2020, Tomáš was director of Carnegie Europe and a senior fellow, where his research focused on security and defense, transatlantic relations, and Europe’s Eastern neighborhood. Previously , Valášek served as the permanent representative of the Slovak Republic to NATO for nearly four years (2013 -2017). Before that, he was president of the Central European Policy Institute in Bratislava (2012–2013), director of foreign policy and defense at the Centre for European Reform in London (2007–2012), and founder and director of the Brussels office of the World Security Institute (2002–2006). In 2006–2007, he served as acting political director and head of the security and defense policy division at the Slovak Ministry of …
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Pavel Macko
Juraj Krúpa
Juraj Krúpa is currently a chairman of the Committee on Defence and Security at the National Council of the Slovak Republic. He was elected as a member of parliament in 2020 and he is a member of the Ordinary People and Independent Personalities political party. Before being elected to serve in the National Council, Juraj Krúpa was a Security and Defence Programme Director at independent non-governmental organization Slovak Security Policy Institute in years 2016-2019. During these years he managed to become the go-to expert for media, when providing them analysis and statements regarding international as well as domestic defence and security policies and current issues. His experience with defence policy, crisis management and bilateral…
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Marcel Peško
During his many years in the Slovak Foreign Service and multilateral diplomacy, Marcel Peško focused on security issues, the arms control and disarmament agenda, as well as conflict prevention and resolution issues. He currently holds the position of Special Ambassador for Hybrid Threats and Resilience Building, a portfolio that also includes the cyber diplomacy agenda. After years in senior positions at the Secretariat of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), he returned to Slovak diplomacy in 2020. As Director of the OSCE Center for Conflict Prevention, he provided political and operational support to OSCE peacekeeping missions, including the Special Monitoring Mission in Ukraine, as well as other missions of …
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