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/ Lecture
Sergej Kutsevlyak, SK-Telemed GmbH


Sergey Kutsevlyak

SK-Telemed GmbH
Dr. Sergey Kutsevlyak has more than 27 years’ experience in technical areas such as production and sales of medical equipment, design and construction of medical facilities, development and integration of medical information systems. Dr. Kutsevlyak have created concept of informatization and performed complete document-flow system at Sate Service of Ukraine on Drugs and Precursors Control in 2015-17, then implemented several IT solutions at State Service of Ukraine on Medicines and Drugs Control. During years of activity in Ukraine, Dr. Kutsevlyak directly participated in development of more than 1000 medical facilities all over the country, from small private clinic to 550 beds surgery hospital or 240 beds oncology center, establishin…
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