Program - ITAPA HEALTH & CARE 2023
Registration and morning coffee
Artificial intelligence in medicine
10:00 - 11:10 Artificial intelligence in medicine - what does it bring and what is the level of its use in Slovakia?
What is artificial intelligence actually about? What opportunities and limitations does it bring? In what areas of medicine and modern health care can it be used effectively? Can AI replace a doctor or nurse? What are the current limitations for healthcare facilities to use AI? And is its use actually ethical?
Marta Jančkárová, moderator
Panel moderated by
Petra Ritter, Charité Berlin, Nemecko
Testovacie a experimentálne zariadenie EÚ pre umelú inteligenciu a robotiku v oblasti zdravia (TEF-Health)
Martin Blažek, Microsoft
AI is already simplifying the lives of health workers today
Martina Antošová, Martin University Hospital
Juraj Podroužek, Kempelen Institute of Intelligent Technologies
Fedor Lehocki, AISlovakIA
DISCUSSION "Artificial intelligence in medicine"
Juraj Podroužek, Kempelen Institute of Intelligent Technologies
Fedor Lehocki, AISlovakIA
Artificial intelligence in radiology
11:10 - 12:30 Artificial intelligence in radiology
The biggest expansion of artificial intelligence is in the field of radiology. It is mainly used for increasingly accurate radiological analysis and image interpretation. In this area, stakeholders' expectations are probably the greatest. What AI is currently available for radiology? In which examinations can it be used? What must be the quality of the data? What AIs are currently already used in medical practice in Slovakia and abroad? What is the view of the end user - the radiologist - on these increasing possibilities?
Michal Kovačič, moderator
Panel moderated by
Kamil Zeleňák, University Hospital Martin
Maciej Stanuch, Medapp
Interactive holograms in augmented reality
Kamil Zeleňák, University Hospital Martin
Víťazoslav Belan, Dr.Magnet
Valerio Da Ros, ESMINT
DISCUSSION "Artificial intelligence in radiology"
Víťazoslav Belan, Dr.Magnet
Valerio Da Ros, ESMINT
Daniel Kvak, CAREBOT
Maťej Misař, CAREBOT
AI - a colleague you can rely on?
Maťej Misař, CAREBOT
Applications of artificial intelligence in medicine
13:30 - 14:20 Applications of artificial intelligence in medicine
Is artificial intelligence marketing, or does it really have the potential to change the entire healthcare industry? Where has artificial intelligence been able to break through and bring surprisingly good results? Diagnostics? Lifestyle analysis? Research into new drugs? In which areas of medicine do we see the greatest potential for its use? Do we use any of these options in Slovakia?
Martina Antošová, Martin University Hospital
Panel moderated by
Ján Szöllös, InSilico Medicine
Accelerating drug discovery and development with artificial intelligence
Ondřej Svoboda, Dr. Digital
Melanoma and artificial intelligence
Andrej Thurzo, Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University
AI in Dental monitoring of maxillo-orthopedic patients
Lenka Plačková, BTL Medical Technologies
The use of artificial intelligence for the precision of ECG interpretation
Jozef Benčík, SAS Slovakia
Practical Use of Data Analytics in Medicine
AI in oncology
14:20 - 15:30 Technologies in oncology
Can artificial intelligence help change the negative trend of oncological diseases in Slovakia? There are studies that show that the combination of AI and human power has improved the screening of some oncological diseases, and there is more and more talk about the so-called radiomics, which combines information from radiology with clinical-genomic information. Do we have data for this in Slovakia? Can we already use AI for this?
Marta Jančkárová, moderator
Panel moderated by
Matthew Prime, Roche Information Solutions
Unlocking new possibilities for better cancer care
Matthew Prime, Roche Information Solutions
1on1 - The future of digitization in the diagnosis of oncology patients
David Miles, ZapSurgical
Zap-X An introduction to Gyroscopic Radiosurgery
Ronald Necpál, Unique Medical, s.r.o.
Innovation in Proton Therapy
Ivan Cimrák, Žilina University in Žilina
Lukáš Palaj, Ministry of Health SR
Lukáš Plank, University Hospital Martin
DISCUSSION "Technologies in oncology"
Lukáš Palaj, Ministry of Health SR
Lukáš Plank, University Hospital Martin
Ako budovať optimálne nemocnice?
16:00 – 17:10 How to build hospitals optimally?
Medicine is not only about new diagnostic or treatment methods. Effective management and operation of hospitals is also important. What do we need for this and what solutions could we imagine? Can AI and robotics help in this? Are the staff in hospitals and clinics ready for such a change? How to perceive these innovations positively?
Partner of the panel
Partner of the panel

Michal Kovačič, moderator
Panel moderated by
Sebastian Saulich, Siemens Healthcare
Value Partnerships – Creating more Value in Healthcare
Peter Balco, ATOS IT Solution and Services
Ľubomír Pepucha, University Hospital Martin
Miriam Lapuníková, University Hospital with the Policlinic of F. D. Roosevelt
Ľuboš Lopatka, Bory Hospital
Peter Ferjančík, Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic
DISCUSSION "How to optimally build hospitals?"
Miriam Lapuníková, University Hospital with the Policlinic of F. D. Roosevelt
Ľuboš Lopatka, Bory Hospital
Peter Ferjančík, Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic
ITAPA Open Talk: Ako optimalizovať zdravotníctvo?
17:30 - 18:50 ITAPA Open Talk: How to optimize healthcare?
How to make more out of less? Slovak healthcare is underfunded. But can it be effective even with small finances? Is it possible to optimize it? What is stopping us from doing so? In what condition is the optimized hospital network? How are processes set? What will it bring in practice? What about other healthcare providers? Aren't we just paying attention to hospitals and neglecting others?
Michal Kovačič, moderator
Panel moderated by
Silvia Pekarčíková, Association of Self-governing Regions SK8
Ivan Kocan, University Hospital Martin
Peter Lednický, Penta Hospitals International
Zuzana Dolinková, Voice - social democracy
ITAPA Open talk: How to optimize healthcare?
Ivan Kocan, University Hospital Martin
Peter Lednický, Penta Hospitals International
Zuzana Dolinková, Voice - social democracy
Social banquet