Program - Autumn ITAPA 2023
About priorities of the new government not only in the field of digitalization.
Michal Kaliňák, MIRRI
Radovan Majerský, Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic
Martin Šuster, Fiscal Responsibility Council
Denmark has the highest share of citizens using e-government services of all EU member states. The DESI 2021 report addresses connectivity, integration of digital technologies, digital public services and human capital. Denmark ranks first in all categories, with a high number of tech-savvy individuals and companies in the EU. Denmark benefits from one of the highest levels of digital interaction between individuals and businesses with government, which combined with the high adoption rate of digital tools makes it a great place to test new solutions. What inspiration can Denmark offer to Slovakia?
Digital transformation is a priority topic in most developed countries of the world. The states are not only looking at how the state itself is being transformed, but the emphasis is on the digitization of local governments and companies. Digital transformation is the way to higher efficiency and productivity in all segments of the company's operation. Without digitization, growth and further development cannot be guaranteed. What is the situation in Slovakia and what is the situation in the Czech Republic? Are we succeeding in digitally transforming our society and what can we mutually inspire with the Czech Republic? In what ways do we have successful examples of digital transformation in Slovakia and where, on the contrary, do we need to work?
What are the lessons from the reform in the form of the Central Economic System. How were the first wave organizations integrated and why were the second wave organizations displaced? How does the Ministry of Finance SR plan to develop the system in the future? In what ways will it be more user-friendly and what support will the integrated organisations receive?
Ján Kičina, Debt and liquidity management agency
Viera Kováčiková, Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic
Roman Navrátil, Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic
Branislav Brza, Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the SR
Pavol Frič, ITAS
Michal Ilko, Social Insurance Company
Peter Steinhübl, Slovensko.Digital
Martin Sůra, EVIDEN
Martina Slabejová, AmCham
Mirka Uhnak, Mini Tech MBA
Anna Záhorčáková, DITEC
Mária Bieliková, Kempelen Institute of Intelligent Technologies
Lukáš Hatala, DXC Technology
Emil Stranianek, project manager in digital technologies
The partner of this panel is SLOVAK INVESTMENT HOLDING

Ján Ridzoň, Ministry of Investments, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic
Rudolf Vadovič, ITAS
Jozef Viskupič, Trnava self-governing region