Testovacie a experimentálne zariadenie EÚ pre umelú inteligenciu a robotiku v oblasti zdravia (TEF-Health)
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Petra Ritter
Petra Ritter heads the Brain Simulation Section at the Charité University Medicine Berlin and Berlin Institute of Health. Her research focus is on integrating neuroimaging and computational neuroscience to discover mechanisms of brain function and dysfunction. She serves in the leadership of large EU projects such as Testing and Experimentation Facility Health AI and Robotics (TEF-Health), Virtual Brain Cloud & eBRAIN-Health and is directing EBRAINS Health Data Cloud. Petra Ritter studied medicine at the Charite and in the US. At the Charité she got appointed a Johanna Quandt lifetime Professorship for Brain Simulation in 2017. Since 2017, she is also Director of the Brain Simulation Section at Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin. She al…
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