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eGovernment and GIS in Slovakia

/ Lecture

The contribution deals with complicated e-government problems in Slovakia. It points out at the connection between governing a modern country and importance of information of the territory in this process... It also outlines both positive and negative aspects as well as risks occurred during the process of information technology implementing in our society and provides positive evaluation of some already achieved outcomes. The contribution provides a brief description of the actual status of cooperation in the area of geospatial database development that is being established on the interresort level.

Jaroslav Piroh

Profesional experiences: 1981 – 1987, Military corps 5251, Liptovský Mikuláš, ČSFSR, Head of construction unit at the construction of the area of the Military Academy and Research Institute in Liptovskom Mikuláši; 1985 – 1988, Military topographical institute, Dobruška, ČSFSR, topographer – specialist; 1989 – 1991, Military Cartographical Institute, Harmanec, ČSSR, Head of the Cartographical unit; 1991 – 1992, Military geographical institute, Praha, ČR - specialist for informatics; 1992 – 1993, Generálny štáb of the Army of the Slovak Republic, Trenčín, SR - senior officer of the Topographical unit; 1993 – 2003, Topographical Institute, Banská Bystrica, SR - Deputy Captain, from January 1 2004 till presence - Director of…
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