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Program - ITAPA Defence 2023

Conference opening
9:00 - 9:15 Conference opening
Andrej Matišák,
Marian Uhrin, SNP Museum in Banská Bystrica
Dalibor Lesník, The SNP Museum in Banska Bystrica
Projekt Open D
Have we found ourselves at the crossroads between East and West?
9:15 – 9:45 Have we Found Ourselves at the Crossroads Between East and West?
Discussion with the Minister of Defense and ambassador, permanent representative of the Slovak Republic to NATO about the current situation in defense and security. Is Slovakia approaching a crossroads, where it will have to decide whether we want to head more westward as a country or are we inclined more eastward? What threats and opportunities does the current geopolitical situation bring? What is Slovakia's position in relation to Russian aggression in Ukraine? Will Slovakia's position change after the elections to the National Council? What would the ministers of the official government recommend to their successors in the ministerial chairs?
Zuzana Kovačič Hanzelová, moderator
Martin Sklenár, Minister of Defense of the Slovak Republic
Peter Bátor, ambassador, permanent representative of the Slovak Republic to NATO
Discussion "Have we Found Ourselves at the Crossroads Between East and West?"
World and Slovakia are under permanent threat
9:45 - 10:05 1on1: The world and Slovakia are under permanent threat
What are the current threats to which Slovakia must respond? How does Russian aggression in Ukraine affect our own security? How has the situation in our armed forces changed? What capabilities are we strengthening and how is the interoperability of our forces ensured with our alliance partners?
Zuzana Kovačič Hanzelová,
Daniel Zmeko, Armed forces of the Slovak Republic
1 on 1 with the Chief of the General Staff of the OZ SR
Modernization of the armed forces on the eastern border of NATO
10:05 - 10:25 1on1: Modernization of the armed forces on the eastern border of NATO
The current geopolitical situation has moved the world into a new reality. Armed conflict has become an everyday part of it, and it is necessary for NATO member states to respond to it. How are the capabilities available to member states changing? How do the partners on NATO's eastern border, which are exposed to the greatest risk from potential aggressors, react to the war? What is the modern view of the need for interoperability?
Andrej Matišák,
How are we innovating the North Atlantic Alliance?
11:00 – 11:30 How are we Innovating the North Atlantic Alliance?
The Defense Innovation Accelerator for the North Atlantic (DIANA) is a new part of NATO that works with leading researchers and entrepreneurs across the Alliance to help them develop technologies to keep NATO citizens safe. DIANA complements the NATO Innovation Fund, which is the first multinational venture capital fund in the world that invests 1 billion euros in start-ups developing technologies for defense and security. You will find out what opportunities the fund and accelerator bring to Slovak companies in this section of the ITAPA DEFENSE conference.
Andrej Matišák,
Adrian Dan, DIANA Transition Team
Kelly Chen, NATO Innovation Fund
Discussion "How are we innovating the North Atlantic Alliance?"
How are defense innovations created in Slovakia?
11:30 - 12:00 How are Defense Innovations Created in Slovakia?
DIANA also brings opportunities to Slovakia, where under the leadership of the Ministry of Defense of the Slovak Republic, this accelerator brings together universities and industries to collaborate with start-ups and other innovators in solving critical defense and security challenges. You will learn about the opportunities the DIANA accelerator brings for the creation of defense innovations in Slovakia in this panel discussion.
Andrej Matišák,
Michaela Kollárová, Ministry of Defense of the Slovak Republic
Andrej Veľas, University of Žilina in Žilina
Discussion "How are defense innovations created in Slovakia?"
Lunch and networking
Human health, biotechnology and human enhancement
13:00 – 13:30 Human Health, Biotechnology, and Human Enhancement
How can modern technologies contribute to better health not only for soldiers, but also for the civilian population? Many of the innovations that we know today as commonly available originate in the defense sector. What are the military health needs? What technologies do we use in it and what opportunities does it bring? What does human enhancement mean in practice?
Andrej Matišák,
Roman Jantoš, The Slovak Armed Forces
Vladimír Lengvarský , Central Military Hospital SNP in Ružomberok
Discussion "Human Health, Biotechnology, and Human Enhancement"
Information sharing and cyber security
13:30 – 14:15 Information Sharing and Cyber Security

The panel will focus on the latest technological solutions, cooperation between industries and states, and to identify key challenges to be faced in sharing information about cyber threats and incidents. What is the critical importance of information sharing for defense and security? What approaches and tools can we use to improve cooperation and efficiency in the field of cyber security? 

Sensory and imaging
14:15 – 15:05 Sensorics and Imaging
The panel will explore innovations in sensor and imaging systems that provide new capabilities and improve monitoring, detection and evaluation capabilities in defense applications. The discussion will focus on the importance of these technologies for modern defense systems and their contribution to increasing the security and efficiency of military operations. What is the potential of new sensor and imaging technologies for the defense industry and what challenges must be overcome in their implementation and use in practice?
Andrej Matišák,
Barbora Hrozenská, Ministry of Defence of the Slovak Republic
Róbert Zadňančin, Ministry of Interior of Slovak Republic
DISCUSSION "Sensorics and Imaging"
Robert Lászlo, Needronix
From sensors to sensor networks
Resilience of energy infrastructure
ITAPA OPEN TALK: History, presence and reality of hybrid threats
16:05 – 17:00 ITAPA OPEN TALK: ITAPA OPEN TALK: History, Presence and Reality of Hybrid Threats

What is the impact of increasing technological developments on the nature of hybrid threats in defense and what new risks does it bring to the current environment? How has the nature of hybrid threats changed throughout history and how have defense systems and strategies dealt with them? In the context of the current reality of the global security situation, what new approaches and cooperation between states and technology firms could help in the fight against hybrid threats? And how can we learn from history?

Zuzana Kovačič Hanzelová, moderator
Marian Uhrin, SNP Museum in Banská Bystrica
Michal Trnka, Gerulata Technologies
Vladimír Šucha, Representation of the European Commission in Slovakia