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From Homo Sapiens to Homo Mobilus

/ Lecture

Big changes, which we experience in 21st century requires deep changes of every one of us. During the evolution always someone who knew something was more successful than somebody who did not know. Through the centuries, if anyone wanted to mean something he had to study. And only after the studies the practice follows. With the boom of information and communication technologies it is not longer the case. It is not enough to be Homo sapiens. The life requests more - life-long education to learn how to communicate and to be mobile.
Who gives us the ticket for successful living? Of course, family and school. We have to answer questions as follows:
How we need to change school to prepare graduates for life in 21st century:
How to change the content of education?
Do we have prepared teachers?
How could we switch Slovakia to one "big modern school" for everybody, everywhere and at any time?
The answers to these questions will not be the outcome of our contribution, but we will present how the situation is changing, what are the results of educations of 53.000 teachers aimed at basic work with ICT and their applications into education. We will mention positive change in the teaching procedure of innovative teachers.

Beáta Brestenská

Employment: - University Comenius Faculty of Natural Sciences – asistent 1980 – 1997 - PhD degree - 1987 - Assoc. Prof. since 1998 - Head of The Department of Didactic of Sciences 1998 – 2001 - Head of  The Research and Education IT Center Comenius University . – since 2002 - Member of National Council of the Slovak Republic -  2002-2006: - Member of Committee for Education, Science, Sport and Youth, Culture and Media - National Council of the Slovak Republic - Member of Ecomony Committe - Head of Work SubCommittee of Information Society - National Council of the Slovak Republic - The Head of Slovak Delegation of The Council of Europe –  2004-2006 - Vice-dean at University Comenius of Faculty of Natural Sciences – since 2007…
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