Management of Enviroportal Content - How to Make the Website Updated and Vivid
The Constitution of the Slovak Republic guarantees early, quality and responsible information on environment as our right. We should add the attribute of timeliness to the current attributes, and we have obtained a request which SAŽP recast to the Enviroportal (, the most-frequently-visited information source on environment in Slovakia. You will learn what the aim of its creators was when the project was arising, how it is organized, which services the portal offers and what the experience on annual real operation is, when you will listen further.
Information on the product:
Environmental portal, developed in SAŽP Banska Bystrica, was launched on June 15, 2005, it has become the most-frequently-visited information source on environment in Slovakia. At the beginning of 2006, it was installed for the needs of the Czech Environmental Information Agency in Prague, which carries on the Czech environment portal ( by this.
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Vladimír Benko
Since 2012, he has been the General Director of the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute (SHMÚ). In this capacity, he is responsible for the management within the scope of the activities of this institution, whose task is to provide the state hydrological and state meteorological service in the territory of the Slovak Republic. Within the scope of his duties and competencies, he participates in activities of conceptual and strategic importance within the scope of SHMÚ at the national and international level.
Since 2012, he has held the position of Permanent Representative of the Slovak Republic in the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), and is a member of the Main Committee of the Slovak Meteorological Society. He represents the Sl…
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Rudolf Navrátil
In 1994 Rudolf Benko graduated at the Faculty of Forestry of the Technical University in Zvolen. From 1996 he works for the Slovak Agency of Environment as expert for GIS. He was concerned in implementing the GIS technologies within the SAŽP as well as within the Ministry of Environment. He participated on strategy papers and was responsible for GIS in several international projects. From 2005 he is the Head of Information Technologies Department of Environment and Informatics Centre of the SAŽP and project manager of Environmental Information Portal
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