Juraj Polák
I graduated in 1989 at STU Mechanical faculty with interdisciplinary focus on applied electronics and robotics. One year of postgraduate study I spent with study of Expert system with objective of measuring the technological aspects of construction. I applied energy as universal measurement considering the technological value of construction. I also co-own (with my father and brother) PATENT of explosive metal shaping. Patent was used in building the fountain at Sqare of freedom in Bratislava. Then after I jumped into pioneer era of building small and medium business companies.
I started at company Tecton as programmer programming internal ERP system for them and after two years I wanted more professional job. My next job was Sales manager at PosAm. This was real crossroad as after psychology tests I have to pass at their HR, I got proposal to join them as programmer of new solution division or Sales manager. My choice was sales. I got not easy task to build solution division (PosAm was pure HW reseller) and company choice was Lotus Notes as platform. There was no Lotus Co. in Slovakia so first trip was to Hannover CEBIT to make partnership. After another two years I had group of 20 headcounts with significant wins at Slovenske elektrarne and MoF.
After nice and successful years, I got proposal to move in corporate life as Country manager of Lotus company. After almost 3 years I build up network of 25+ Business Partners. Next significant job was in year 2000 when I joined Informix as sales manager. After few months was Informix acquired by IBM and I started my long journey at IBM as product sales. I went thru all SW product groups, most of time I spent with Tivoli brand focusing on storage and system management and last years on Enterprise Asset Management. After 16 years in IBM I moved to company Cleverlance. This was great 5 years’ experience of making real software for customers on different platform like Java, Net, PHP.
I started at company Tecton as programmer programming internal ERP system for them and after two years I wanted more professional job. My next job was Sales manager at PosAm. This was real crossroad as after psychology tests I have to pass at their HR, I got proposal to join them as programmer of new solution division or Sales manager. My choice was sales. I got not easy task to build solution division (PosAm was pure HW reseller) and company choice was Lotus Notes as platform. There was no Lotus Co. in Slovakia so first trip was to Hannover CEBIT to make partnership. After another two years I had group of 20 headcounts with significant wins at Slovenske elektrarne and MoF.
After nice and successful years, I got proposal to move in corporate life as Country manager of Lotus company. After almost 3 years I build up network of 25+ Business Partners. Next significant job was in year 2000 when I joined Informix as sales manager. After few months was Informix acquired by IBM and I started my long journey at IBM as product sales. I went thru all SW product groups, most of time I spent with Tivoli brand focusing on storage and system management and last years on Enterprise Asset Management. After 16 years in IBM I moved to company Cleverlance. This was great 5 years’ experience of making real software for customers on different platform like Java, Net, PHP.
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DISCUSSION "How to Efficiently Transform Small and Medium Enterprises?"
DISCUSSION "Digital transformation of industry"