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Reliable data: The way to better waste sorting

/ Lecture
Based on data from IoT sensors, the ESONA system monitors municipal waste collection and enables municipalities to apply the "pay for what you throw away" principle. Applying this principle changes people's behavior. Economically, it motivates them to a higher degree of sorting and reducing the production of mixed waste, which is the biggest burden on the environment.

Matej Šiškovič

Matej Šiškovič works as a product manager and business analyst at MIM. Previously, he held the position of director of the Institute of Educational Policy at the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the Slovak Republic and worked as an analyst at the Institute of Financial Policy of the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic. He has spent his career promoting the concept of evidence-based public policy making. He is a graduate of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Economics in Bratislava and a member of the Club of Economic Analysts.
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