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/ Lecture
  • Building up of the Central Portal of Public Administration – the synergy of 3 activities at the Government Office of the Slovak Republic
  • Legislation background – Ministry of Transport, Posts and Development as administrator, Government Office as provider of the portal
  • Main characteristics of the portal – services, life situations, agenda, citizens’ localization
  • Electronic services in presence and in future
  • Financing of development and administration
  • Positive and negative experiences and risks
  • Further possibilities of development

Michal Ohrablo

Embassy of Innovators
He studied at the Faculty of Electrotechnics and Informatics of the Slovak Technical University in Bratislava. After graduation he worked as a project manager and Senior Counsellor within the counselling company Amrop Jenewein Group in the IT and telecom segment. From 2001 he works in the Anasoft APR company. He is a project manager of supplier consortium of Central Portal of Public Administration.
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Rastislav Pavlík

Ministry of investment, regional development and informatization of the Slovak Republic
Rastislav Pavlík is an expert for digital policies. He joined MIRRI SR as a specialist for broadband interventions. Today, he works as the director of the digital infrastructure department at the Digital Agenda Section. The branch houses the Broadband Office (BCO), which supports the development and sustainability of broadband in Slovakia. Professionally, he devoted himself to the project of the Central Portal of Public Administration (ÚPVS), the introduction of eGovernment and computerization in public administration. He is still a trainer for eGovernment. He is also a promoter of eGovernment solutions from Slovakia, Austria, Estonia and the Czech Republic.
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