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DISCUSSION "How are the smaller hospital renovation projects doing?"

/ Lecture

Silvia Pekarčíková

Žilina self-governing region
Since 2018, she has been working as the director of the health department in the Žilina self-governing region. staffs and commissions at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Its priority is the management of the regional health system, the creation of a health policy strategy and, within the framework of original competences, the implementation of the transferred performance of the state administration. By going through clinical practice in a hospital, the world of laboratory diagnostics and managing medical projects in a network of private hospitals, she was able to gain a considerable overview and attitude to the needs of the Slovak healthcare system. The management of hospitals and polyclinics and health care centers in the scope of the e…
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Peter Glatz

Hospital with polyclinic Prievidza based in Bojnice
Director of Bojnice Hospital. With experience as a Value for Money Manager for the Trenčín Self-Governing Region in the field of healthcare and social assistance, Chief Analyst at Agel a.s. Czech Republic, Senior Analyst at Strategy Department Všeobecná zdravotná poisťovňa, a. s., managing the entry of original medicines and medical devices on the Slovak and Czech markets.
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Jozef Tekáč

Hospital in Poprad
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