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Program - ITAPA Health Lounge

Keynote: How to build modern healthcare?
10:00 - 10:35 How to build modern healthcare?
Michal Kovačič, moderator
Moderated by
Robert Hatala, The National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases
Keynote "Modern healthcare for Slovakia - illusion or real possibility?"
Martina Antošová, University Hospital Martin
Keynote "Research and innovation as a basic pillar of modern healthcare"
Ako optimalizovať cestu pacienta?
10:35- 11:20 How to optimize the patient journey?
What steps are necessary to optimize the patient's journey across the Slovak Health Service? How can we be inspired abroad and what are the ministry's plans? What should the optimization of the patient journey look like in mental health, in cardiovascular diseases or in oncology?
Michal Kovačič, moderator
Moderated by
Allan Böhm, Premedix Clinic
Jozef Dolník, Národný onkologický ústav
Ľubomíra Izáková, Faculty of Medicine in Bratislava of Comenius University
Discussion "How to optimize the patient journey"
Riziká a príležitosti: európske investície do zdravotníctva
11:20 - 12:00 Risks and opportunities: European investments in health
Slovakia is preparing for new investments from EU sources. What opportunities does this bring for our healthcare industry? What are the planned investments from the Slovakia Program or the Recovery Plan? And how to set them up so that they bring the greatest possible added value?
Michal Kovačič, moderator
Moderated by
Peter Balík, Investment Expert
Michal Štofko, Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic
Lenka Gabrhelová, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic
Discussion "Risks and opportunities: European investments in health"
Obed a networking
Navigating trends in healthcare data security
13:15 - 13:35 Navigating trends in healthcare data security
In an era where technological advances are rapidly changing the healthcare landscape, ensuring the security of sensitive patient data is more important than ever. As healthcare organizations increasingly embrace digital innovation, they face unprecedented challenges in protecting patient information from evolving cyber threats. Explore new trends that will shape the future of healthcare data security.
Šimon Jeseňák , ozdravme s.r.o.
Juraj Rumanovský, Fortinet
1on1 interview with Juraj Rumanovský
Ako doručiť moderné prístroje a technológie do našich nemocníc?
13:35 - 14:30 Technologies for modern and digital hospitals
What are the real needs of Slovak hospitals? Is there a technology needs map? Are we deploying digital innovations at a sufficient pace and to the necessary extent? Can we use European funds to cover these needs?
Šimon Jeseňák , ozdravme s.r.o.
Moderated by
Tomáš Alscher, National Oncological Institute
Matúš Kolarčík, GE HealthCare
Miriam Lapuníková, University Hospital with the Policlinic of F. D. Roosevelt
Alexander Mayer, University Hospital Bratislava
Discussion "Technologies for modern and digital hospitals"
Technológie pre moderné a digitálne nemocnice
14:30 - 14:50 Public procurement in Healthcare
How do we need to change public procurement in order to increase the effectiveness of the Slovak healthcare system? Is joint shopping the solution? How can we buy modern technologies for hospitals? Can we buy innovations?
Michal Kovačič, moderator
Moderated by
Martina Galabová, Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic
Ondrej Kuruc, Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic
Discussion "Public procurement in healthcare"
Ambulantný sektor ako chrbtica zdravotného systému
14:50 - 15:35 Outpatient sector as the backbone of the health system
Insufficient network of clinics, lack of specialists, high number of doctors of retirement age, significant underfunding. These are just some of the symptoms of the ever-deteriorating state of the ambulatory sector. What steps are necessary for system renewal and support of the ambulatory sector in Slovakia? What are the planned steps of the Ministry of Health in supporting the ambulatory sector?
Šimon Jeseňák, moderator
Moderated by
Jaroslava Orosová, Association of Ambulatory Providers
Tomáš Szalay, National Council of the SR
Lucia Povalová, Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic
Michal Špaňár, Union
Discussion "Outpatient sector as the backbone of the health system"
Káva a networking
Dostupnosť inovatívnej liečby na Slovensku
16:00 - 16:45 Availability of innovative treatment in Slovakia
Why do we need an innovation fund in Slovakia and how can clinical trials increase the availability of innovative treatment? What steps are necessary for us in Slovakia to be able to treat patients with innovative forms of treatment and modern medicines?
Róbert Babeľa, moderator
Moderated by
Michal Ďuriš, General Health Insurance Company
Martin Kultan, DÔVERA Health Insurance Company
Peter Polák, drug policy expert
Ladislav Slobodník, Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic
Discussion "Availability of innovative treatment in Slovakia"
Ako klinické skúšanie modernizuje zdravotníctvo
16:45 - 17:40 How clinical trials are modernising healthcare
How clinical trials can accelerate innovation in medicine, improve the quality of healthcare and the availability of innovative treatments for patients, while saving public money.
Ján Kyselovič, Faculty of Medicine UK Bratislava
Presentation "Impacts of clinical studies"
Martina Hromádková, Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic
Michal Ivantyšyn, Center for innovative healthcare
Ivan Kocan, Klinika pneumológie a ftizeológie UNM a JLF UK v Martine
Ján Kyselovič, Faculty of Medicine UK Bratislava
Discussion "How clinical trials are modernizing healthcare"
Návod na budovanie systému zdravotníctva na európskej úrovni?
17:40 - 18:20 Instructions for building a healthcare system at the European level?
What challenges and changes await us in the near future in the ambulatory sector? How can we stabilize the personnel situation in hospitals? Is the state implementing sufficiently effective measures to motivate people to prevent? Is one of the goals of the new government to increase awareness of the importance of prevention for the health of the population? Can the state respond effectively to the growing investment debt in Slovak hospitals? What is the main problem of financing hospitals and how can the state pay off the debts of hospitals? Is the DRG system an objective and transparent mechanism for improving the management and financing of provided institutional health care?
Michal Kovačič, moderator
Moderated by
Zuzana Dolinková, Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic
1on1 interview with the Minister of Health of the Slovak Republic