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Non-public providers - an indispensable component in outreach care

/ Lecture
The rights of the client of a social service in their households.
Potential of IT sector in the field social services.
Participation and cooperation in the matters of social services.

František Drozd

PhDr. František Drozd, PhD. started his studies in the field of Social Work at Catholic University in Ružomberok in 2007. He studied and later also taught at Catholic University in Lublin, Poland. Since 2006 he has been professionally working with dysfunctional families in a voluntary association Familiaris in Svit, where he works as a statutory authority of the association. As an accredited social counsellor, he provides specialized social counselling to marginalized families and segregated communities. He is a director of a non-governmental association providing field nursing services in the Prešov Region. He is also a member of the Association of Social Counselors and Supervisors, a member of the Slovak Chamber of Social Workers, and …
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