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Discussion "Informal care and support services in the conditions of the Slovak Republic"

/ Lecture

Ladislav Kollár

Santea - Personal services
Ing. Ladislav Kollár, MBA - mainly works in the field of education, healthcare, social services and real estate and development. He is the owner of several companies. He is currently working for the company SANTEA, which is implementing innovative procedures in the provision of mainly social but also health services. The company is dedicated to the implementation of activities in the field of senior safety. With the help of its own technologies and through a connection to its own Information and Monitoring Center, it can immediately provide help for a senior in need remotely, including the prevention of borderline situations in the case of an imminent medical complication for a senior. Technology also has many other beneficial functions.…
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Iveta Ždilová

Slovak Chamber of Carers
Vice-president of the Chamber of Caregivers of Slovakia, member of the Council of the European Network of the organization acting in the interest of caregivers EUROCARERS, and member of the social commission of the city council. She received her master's degree in nursing. As a nurse, she mainly worked in social facilities for the elderly and with children with mental disabilities. As a caregiver, she worked in assisted living facilities and in home care in the United States, England and Austria. She ran an intermediary employment agency for Slovak nannies in England. As a sales representative, she trained caregivers in social facilities in PSK and KSK on the correct use of inco-aids and provided educational seminars for employees of soc…
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Marián Habovčík

Municipality of Lenka
Mgr. Marian Habovčík has been the mayor of the village of Lenka since 2002, during his tenure as mayor of the village he held several other positions. For 10 years he chaired the Association of Municipalities of the Microregion near Slaná. He currently chairs the board of the Association of Towns and Villages of Gemera and Malohont in the Rimavská Sobota district, and also represents the said association on the board of the Association of Towns and Villages of Slovakia /ZMOS/. Within the ZMOS council, he is a member and vice-chairman of the social affairs section and a member of the marginalized Roma communities section of the ZMOS council, a member of the ZMOS council since 2014. He actively participates in the creation of the Integrate…
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Martin Trnovec

Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of Slovak Republic
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