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Share, Re-use, Collaborate - the Open Source Observatory and Repository,

/ Lecture
Public administrations are facing similar challenges when providing high quality eGovernment services for their citizens and businesess.
While the legal and economic environment is similar & the administrative and business processes are comparable, ICT solutions are still developed individually. Clearly, the cost of developing the same IT solutions to similar problems are significant. Why is this reinventing the wheel?  Why not re-use and learn from each other?
The provides a central meeting place for public administrations to learn best practices of developing or using OSS applications, share their OSS solutions with each other and re-use already developed applications.  The website provides legal (e.g. the European Union Public Licence, EUPL) and technical tools, guidelines, and expert studies to increase the use of open source by public authorities.

Szabolcs Szekacs

Szabolcs Szekacs is currently managing the project at the Directorate General of Informatics of the European Commission. The goal of the project is to facilitate the sharing and re-use of open source solutions by public administrations in Europe. The project achives this  by providing a virtual meeting place and repository for best practices to be discussed, and Open Source applications to be shared and further developed.
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