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Občania online

/ Prednáška
Representative research aims to identify the needs and expectations of the citizens regarding public online services. The methodology, analysis of the collected statistical data and interpretation of the results were elaborated by Institut for Public Affairs Bratislava (IVO) in colaboration with ITAPA. The field data collection was carried out by a professional research agency Focus by employing a network of trained interviewers. The data collection was conductred throughout August 2007 on the sample of 1035 respondents.

The research aims to elucidate the following: The level of the informedness of the general population on the public online services; who is and who is not online; what is the user experience and satisfaction with the present state of online public services; what are the forms and means of using these services available to the citizens; what are the main benefits and barriers to their usage at present; what is the level of interest in using public online services and the public’s potential for using these services into the future.

Marián Velšic

Absolvoval magisterské štúdium sociológie a doktorandské štúdium politológie na Filozofickej fakulte Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave. V rokoch 1993 – 1994 pracoval ako analytik pre politické strany. V rokoch 1995 – 1998 pôsobil ako odborný pracovník v Politologickom kabinete Slovenskej akadémie vied. Od septembra 1998 pracuje v Inštitúte pre verejné otázky. V rokoch 1995 – 1998 bol spoluzakladateľom a členom redakčného vedenia revue Quo vadis, Slovensko? Publikoval odborné štúdie v monografiách, zborníkoch a časopisoch. Je spoluautorom mnohých publikácií ako napr.: Dva roky politickej slobody; Democracy and Discontent in Slovakia; Slovensko a jeho volebné pravidlá; Slovenské voľby´98; Krajina v pohybe; Slovenské voľby´02; Slovensko - …
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