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Riešenia Ardaco pre eGovernment

/ Prednáška

Communication and safety acquired their new aspect for the past 15 years. In ICT segment the information safety becomes year by year more consistent topic, older platforms are subordinated to new safety criteria, new systems are expected to secure safe transfer of information on the highest possible level whether it is processing of electronic documents or their interconnection with traditional documents. However, the communication inseparably involves the voice, and it is proved fully only after its use, that safety is something what must be reckoned on as a certainty. Is it really like that…?  

Igor Šenkarčin
Igor Šenkarčin, informatik s víziou inteligentného bezemisného Slovenska, zakladateľ združenia, iniciátor programov uplatnenia slovenských inovácií v udržateľnej mobilite, líder projektu TATRY 2030.
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