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Electronic services of municipalities in Slovakia

/ Lecture

On 12/11/2007 the Union of Towns and Cities of Slovakia together with a non-profit organization eSlovensko and other partners commissions a trial operation of Data Centre of Towns and Communities. The project is being implemented with the financial support of the EU within operational programme “Building and development of information society for public sector”, state budget, finances of Slovak municipalities and non-profit organizations.

The fundamental objective of the project is provision of standard electronic services in pilot municipalities: community of Cigeľ, towns of Banská Bystrica, Bardejov, Bytča, Hlohovec, Kežmarok, Komárno, Košice, Kremnica, Martin, Nitra, Prešov, Rožňava, Trenčín, Trnava, Zvolen, (Žilina and town part of Košice Staré Mesto). The project builds a significant central point of municipalities connected to the Central Portal of Public Administration. The concept preparation is being implemented since 2002 and it also includes projects, Ako vybaviť (How to handle), Rozvoj elektronických služieb samospráv (Development of Electronic Services of Municipalities), Štandardizácia IT samospráv (Standardization of IT in Municipalities), contest, Združenie informatikov samospráv Slovenska (Association of Information Scientists of Slovak Municipalities) etc..

The project is in compliance with priorities resulting from the Society Informatization Strategy and operational programme Information Society. The project concept is based on experience of the Austrian model of municipality informatization with regard to Slovak specifics.

Miroslav Drobný

Education: 1988-1993 Slovak Technical University, Bratislava Specialization: Technical cybernetics Career: 2007 – Project Manager of the Slovak hub of European SaferInternet network 2004 – Member of the Slovak Republic Government Office for Informatics 2004 – Representative of  the Slovak Republic in the European organization for informatization of municipalities ELANET 2003 – Chairman of Committee for Informatization of Municipalities at the Union of Towns and Cities of the Slovak Republic 2002 – Member of the Municipal Council of Lučenec 2002 – President of Citizen Association eSlovensko 1998 – President of the project 1992 – sole proprietor
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