Cost of Inaction: How Much Will Inactivity in Sustainability Cost Companies?
Ignoring ESG entails significant financial and social costs of inaction, which directly threaten the operation of companies. These companies face deteriorating financing conditions, loss of competitiveness, and increasing legislative demands for decarbonization. A lax approach to sustainability brings not only financial but also social consequences, resulting in the loss of young talents. A unique analysis by the ESG CLUB clearly shows that inaction in the area of ESG can lead to significant financial losses, weak long-term competitiveness, and eventually existential problems.
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Daniel Rabina
He is the CEO of the communication and PR agency GreenTalk and a co-founder of the ESG CLUB. He applies his communication expertise in the field of sustainability as a judge for the Green Brands Slovakia assessment and the ESG AWARDS Slovakia. He actively promotes the topics of ESG, corporate sustainability, and prevention against greenwashing. His clients include companies such as KOSIT, ewia, MH Teplárenský holding, PW Energy, and WOOD & Company. He is a PhD candidate in political science at Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín.
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