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DISUSSION “Digital Health: Where have we progressed in e-appointments and e-labs?“

/ Lecture

Marián Šóth

Asociácia súkromných lekárov SR
MUDr. Marián Šóth has been the president of ASL SR since 2015, which actively represents the interests of the ambulatory sector across the entire spectrum of expertise within the Slovak healthcare system. He has run a general practice for adults himself for more than 20 years. The Association of Private Physicians of the Slovak Republic is a member of the Association of Employers' Unions and Associations of the Slovak Republic, the European Union of General Practitioners (UEMO) in European countries and EANA - the European Working Group of Specialists in the Outpatient Sector.
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Katarína Dostálová

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Dajana Petríková

Association of Health Insurance Companies of Slovakia
Dajana Petríková studied both secondary and higher education for the healthcare sector. She has furthered her education in healthcare organization primarily abroad. She has work experience in healthcare delivery, commercial supplementary health insurance, and public health insurance. For over 20 years, she has specialized in the procurement of healthcare services, most notably at Union Health Insurance Company, a.s., where she held the position of Director of the Department of Institutional and Nursing Care Procurement and SVLZ. Externally, she has participated mainly in the development and implementation of DRG and OSN in Slovakia. Her ability to connect people across the sector led to her nomination for the position of Executive Direct…
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