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Adrián Belánik

FREQUENTIS Solutions & Services s. r. o., Public Relations & Business Development Manager
As the director of consulting firms, he was approached to leverage his experience in implementing major state reforms and to contribute to improving public affairs. As the CEO, he led the introduction of the tax reform, commonly known as the "flat tax," which significantly advanced Slovakia’s economic growth, living standards, and investments. In the IT sector, this included the establishment of the Financial Statements Register, which simplified and increased transparency in the business environment. As a crisis manager, he took over the implementation of the Municipalities and Cities Data Center project, which subsequently received international recognition in the field of cloud services. His most recent significant project was Mobile ID, which held great potential for public administration and was awarded in the category of the most innovative and useful projects in IT and digitalization.
Currently, he is once again active in the private sector, working for a global corporation that serves as an innovative leader in communication and information systems for operation centers with safety-critical tasks.
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