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INSPIRE – Recent Information on Transposition and Implementation of the Directive in the Slovak Republic

/ Lecture
The Government Resolution 745 of 3 October 2007 defined a task for the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic to transpose the Directive 2007/2/EC of 14 March 2007 establishing an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE). The transposition was carried out by a draft Act on national infrastructure for spatial information. At present, the comments raised by the Legislative Council of the Slovak Government are being incorporated in the draft Act.

Objective of implementation of the Directive is to establish sufficient coordination among the users and providers of spatial information with cross-cutting nature from various sectors. The Directive in its Annexes I to III defines 34 themes for spatial data. Division of the themes into the Annexes has been carried out with regard to the importance (highest importance, lower importance, thematic data for a broad spectrum of environmental policies). Spatial data sets, containing these themes, and spatial data services establish an infrastructure which should assist in decision-making related to the environment.
Existence of metadata is a basic requirement to effectively use the available data. These metadata contain information on quality, availability, usage possibilities, format and structure of existing data sets. The basis for building an infrastructure – network services (discovering, transforming, viewing and downloading) for sharing spatial information - is the register of spatial information which is one of fourth supporting registers for the informatisation of the public administration and  for which the Ministry of the Environment has been proposed to act as a system administrator.   

Thematic area: Use of geographic information systems (mapping applications, dealing with spatial data, use of spatial data in practice, other useful applications)

Daniela Navrátilová

2009   Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic, Section of Informatics   -          cooperation in transposition of INSPIRE Directive in the legislation of the Slovak Republic -          coordination of activities and persons obliged to implement INSPIRE Directive -          representation of the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic in area of standardisation of spatial information -          coordination of activities related to e-Government in competence of the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic   2008 – 2001 Research Institute of Geodesy and Cartography of the Slovak Republic in Bratislava from 2007 in position of Director of the Institute   -          representation of…
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