The Geoportal publishing map views is an ideal tool for quick explanation of the status of the territory to both experts and laymen. Unfortunately, according to a survey the full-value information can catch only 20% of the population. Especially at the field of professional maps (eg geology, pollution, biodiversity), the majority of people fail to properly orientate in the map, some of them fail to understand attached legend and finally those who are able to understand the map and legend rarely know the overall continuity to legislation.
The forthcoming new “National geo portal CR” therefore focuses both on providing information to citizens they need and what is its main advantage it provides a comprehensible form, which is easy to understand for ordinary citizen. Well, that is not enough to publish high-quality maps, but in addition it is necessary to know the real needs to be covered by, the most common reason is preparing documents for a citizen who wants to negotiate with public administration.
At the Ministry of Environment CR currently underway complete analysis across environmental legislation up to the level of responsibilities of individual entities, their form of implementation of under legislation adjustments and interpretation of legislation. The above follows the identification of living situations, ie determine what particular instances the interaction of man with the environment are subject to state regulation.
The Concept of Geo-portal concept was shaped well enough, to develop the essential requirements of the INSPIRE directive in the form of so-called GeoReport. The GeoReport is full-scale report that on the basis of elementary query "where and how" elaborates a comprehensive documentation of the problem. The documentation contains explanation of issues, geographic location and context, the results or recommendations, references and legislation. GeoReport will include, where appropriate, recommendations for the local inquiries. The pilot GeoReport is located on the website
The project has ambition to fundamentally improve efficiency of the contact between citizens and authorities, enforce consistency and transparency to state administration at local territory and generate pressure to rendition value added services, as the simply services will be available online.
The forthcoming new “National geo portal CR” therefore focuses both on providing information to citizens they need and what is its main advantage it provides a comprehensible form, which is easy to understand for ordinary citizen. Well, that is not enough to publish high-quality maps, but in addition it is necessary to know the real needs to be covered by, the most common reason is preparing documents for a citizen who wants to negotiate with public administration.
At the Ministry of Environment CR currently underway complete analysis across environmental legislation up to the level of responsibilities of individual entities, their form of implementation of under legislation adjustments and interpretation of legislation. The above follows the identification of living situations, ie determine what particular instances the interaction of man with the environment are subject to state regulation.
The Concept of Geo-portal concept was shaped well enough, to develop the essential requirements of the INSPIRE directive in the form of so-called GeoReport. The GeoReport is full-scale report that on the basis of elementary query "where and how" elaborates a comprehensive documentation of the problem. The documentation contains explanation of issues, geographic location and context, the results or recommendations, references and legislation. GeoReport will include, where appropriate, recommendations for the local inquiries. The pilot GeoReport is located on the website
The project has ambition to fundamentally improve efficiency of the contact between citizens and authorities, enforce consistency and transparency to state administration at local territory and generate pressure to rendition value added services, as the simply services will be available online.
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Jiří Hradec
Job experiences:
1/2005 – onwards CENIA, Czech Environmental Information Agency
Director General
Responsibility for entire outcomes of CENIA. It includes, inter alia, responsibility for:
- set up of the CENIA’s strategy and main goals in accordance with aims and requirements of Czech Environmental Policy and other relevant EU documents
- management of entire environmental information flow within the Czech environmental sector
- approval of management processes including internal information system
- overall management of all international projects and international activities conducted by CENIA
- quality assurance over all processes in the scope of CENIA
11/2000 – 12/2004 Ministry of the Environment, Czech Rep…
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