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Marián Šóth
MUDr. Marián Šóth has been the president of ASL SR since 2015, which actively represents the interests of the ambulatory sector across the entire spectrum of expertise within the Slovak healthcare system. He has run a general practice for adults himself for more than 20 years. The Association of Private Physicians of the Slovak Republic is a member of the Association of Employers' Unions and Associations of the Slovak Republic, the European Union of General Practitioners (UEMO) in European countries and EANA - the European Working Group of Specialists in the Outpatient Sector.
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Igor Moravčík
In 1995, he graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of Comenius University in Bratislava, department of dentistry. In the period from 1995 to 2000 he was employed as a dentist in the Hospital and Polyclinic in Hlohovec, during this period in In 1998, he successfully completed the certification - 1st degree specialization in the field of dentistry. From 2000 runs a private dental practice. He became a member of the Slovak Chamber of Dentists after completing his studies, he first worked in the RK SKZL Trnava region, in 2011 he became the vice-president of the SKZL and then in 2015 he was elected the president of the SKZL. He was re-elected to the position of president for another four-year term in 2019.
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Lucia Povalová
She has been working at the Ministry of Health since 2021. She leads a team dedicated to general outpatient care. She has experience in various areas of healthcare. From 2002 to 2014, she managed a private polyclinic. She worked as a medical controlling manager for a network of hospitals, where she was responsible for medical reporting and productivity. As an analyst in a health insurance company, she specialized in financial calculations for individual types of healthcare. She studied at the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice and the Slovak University of Health Sciences in Bratislava..
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Monika Jankechová
Monika Jankechová is a professor in the field of nursing and has been active in the field of health education for many years. Since 2019, she has been managing and leading the Department of Health Education at the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic, in the official government in 2023 she worked as the department's state secretary. As part of his work, he participates in the methodical management of thirty secondary medical schools in Slovakia. The department cooperates with the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Slovak Republic in the undergraduate training of health workers and also in their postgraduate studies. In the field of further education of healthcare workers, it deals with the process of accreditation, cooperation…
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Jaroslav Kypr
In the past, he held the position of CFO in companies operating in the telecommunications and logistics sectors. He has several years of experience in management and project management on an international level, having worked not only in Europe but also in South and Southeast Asia. Since 2020, he has been part of Dr.Max Holding SK a.s., which operates the largest network of pharmacies in Slovakia. He served as CFO for two years and, since 2022, has held the position of COO. His main focus is on a modern, patient-oriented approach, transparency, and supporting innovation in the pharmaceutical sector. He is also the chairman of the Association of Chain Pharmacy Operators in Slovakia, which aims to create optimal conditions for the developm…
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