Sweden and Information Society - eGovernment in Sweden and Priorities of Swedish EU Presidency
Mr Urban Funered, Special Adviser at the Ministry of Finance in Sweden, is responsible for the arrangement of the 5thMinisterial Meeting and Conference on eGovernment that takes place on 18-20 November 2009 in the City of Malmö, Sweden as part of the Swedish Presidency of the EU, see www.egov2009.se. In his speech, Mr Funered will present some of the areas in the field of eGovernment, as well as in other “e” areas, that are being discussed during the Swedish Presidency. Mr. Funered will also relate to the work with the Swedish eGovernment Action Plan that was adopted in 2008 and the Swedish eGovernment Strategy that was published in October 2009.
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Urban Funered
Urban Funered is a Special Adviser within the Ministry of Finance in Sweden, and is project leader for the 5th Ministerial eGovernment Meeting and Conference, to be held during the Swedish presidency of the European Union in November 2009.
Mr Funered has been working for the Swedish Government Offices since 2007, and was prior thereto in private practice and working in the banking and securities sector as a lawyer both in Sweden and New York. He has also been a researcher in law and lectured at the Universities of Lund, Uppsala and Stockholm, and served in Swedish District and County Courts.
Mr Funered holds Juris Licentiat, Master of Laws, and Bachelor of Science (Business Administration and Economics) degrees from Lund University i…
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