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European Qualification Frame

/ Lecture
Development of new technologies and sophisticated manufacturing processes puts high demand for skilled labour. It is a challenge for the education sector. Education and training are different in different countries. The solution is to shift the definition of clear and transparent outcomes of the educational process, allowing comparison between them and create the space for cooperation between countries and institutions. A key tool in this regard is the European Qualifications Framework. It links national qualification systems of various countries into a common reference system, which significantly supports the mobility of citizens as well as workers and it also facilitates access to lifelong learning, which allows a flexible response to ongoing social and economic changes.

Jaroslav Juriga

Ministry of Education of Slovak Republic
Kľúčové trendy a skúsenosti z implementácií SAP riešení na úrovni samospráv a regiónov vo svete. Predstavenie konkrétnych prípadov: -    komplexné riešenie  pre samosprávu  -    integrácia portálového riešenia pre obyvateľov a spoločnosti na systémy riadiace vzťahy a komunikáciu s obyvateľmi, na finančné a účtovné systémy a na riešenia na výber daní a poplatkov. -    rôzne prístupy k návrhu architektúry riešenia - od malého mesta až po celé regióny Since 2008 up to the present day, Jaroslav Juriga acts as the head of the European Educational Policies and Programmes Department at the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the SR. Previously, he worked as an editor on the web portal, as a publisher of the …
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