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Monika Ružeková

L. Sáru high school, ...
1.1.2007 – present  Gymnázium, Ul. L. Sáru, Bratislava
1.9.2002 – 31.12.2006 Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Natural Sciences
        Assistant professor
1.9.1997 – 31.8.2002 Gymnázium Svätej Rodiny
1.9.1996 – 31.8.1997 Gymnázium, Pankúchova 6

1.9.2007 – 31.8.2010 Didactics of geography, doctor study
        Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Natural Sciences
2002 Doctor in pedagogy – PaedDr., didactics of geography
        Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Natural Sciences
1.10.1991 – 31.5.1996 Teacher of natural sciences – biology, geography, title granted: Mgr.
        Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Natural Sciences

  • Digital education in Slovak schools in European context
    Socialization is one of the basic principles of school education. Using new digital technologies related to educational strategies, we create new possibilities influencing a personality in a social group as well as the quality of the social group in school environment. However, the human factor (teacher and his students) plays an important role in this new technological environment. Educational and psychosocial competencies of a teacher in the area of social support of a personality in the process of digitalization of the education create a good start for the creation of social interaction of high quality in modern educational environment.
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