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Rozvoj informačnej spoločnosti a eGovernmentu v Írsku

/ Keynote

Mary Hanafin

Department of the Taoiseach and Department of Defence.
Minister Mary Hanafin TD Minister of State at the Department of the Taoiseach (with special responsibility as Government Chief Whip and for the Information Society) and at the Department of Defence. Education •    Presentation Convent, Thurles, Co. Tipperary. •    St Patrick's College, Maynooth (BA, HdipED).  •    Dublin Institute of Technology (Diploma in Legal Studies). Career •    Former secondary school teacher of Irish and History,Dominican College, Sion Hill, Blackrock, Co Dublin. •    Former Member of Oireachtas Joint Committees on Heritage and the Irish Language;Justice, Equality & Women's Rights; Education and  Science. •    Elected National Treasurer of Fianna Fáil in 1993. •    Member of Fianna Fáil National E…
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