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Projekt - ako Ottawa pomáha občanom pripojiť sa

/ Prednáška
Mr. Greg Lane, I.S.P., is the Co-Chair of the SmartSites Steering Committee. He will describe the City of Ottawa's initiative ( to provide public internet access for all citizens including those with disabilities. In today's wired world, computers and the Internet are essential for success. Yet there are still many Ottawa residents who either don't have this technology, or for many reasons are not able to use it. SmartSites are free, Internet ready computer centres found within community organizations that already provide a host of familiar services in our neighbourhoods - places such as community centres, health centres, family houses, seniors centres and many, many more. These sites help to make sure that everyone in Ottawa has access to technology and the help they need to use it. Many of these SmartSites have staff or volunteers on hand to help new users get started using computers or emailing and navigating the net. The SmartSites Network started in 1999 when a number of local groups came together to explore how they could provide public Internet access effectively to all citizens in their communities. Their mission is " ensure co-ordination of an on-going, city-wide strategy, enabling all citizens of Ottawa to participate and have public access via the Internet to a suite of E services (i.e. EGovernment, E Democracy, E Training, E Commerce) by leveraging the energy, skills, resources and economies of scale available through a network of networks."

Greg Lane

Deloitte Consulting
Greg Lane je prezidentom Kanadskej informatickej spoločnosti (Canadian Information Processing Society - CIPS) a členom dozornej rady ottawskej sekcie CIPS. Získal titul Profesionála informačných systémov (Information Systems Professional - I.S.P.). I.S.P. je jediný odborný titul pre odborníkov informačných technológií v Kanade. V minulosti bol predsedom Výboru verejného sektora Asociácie informačných technológií Kanady (Information Technology Association of Canada - ITAC). Taktiež spolupredsedal Poradnej rade pre Smart Sites pri Ottawskom centre pre výskum a inovácie (Ottawa Centre for Research and Innovation - OCRI) a je v Poradnej rade Asociácie informačných profesionálov verejného sektora (Association of Public Sector Information Pro…
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