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eEuropa support for eGoverment

/ Prednáška
This panel presentation will cover the benchmarking dimension of the e-Europe actions and discusses the measurement of best practice in public sector applications. Some examples illustrate new practices possible in the Information Society

Bror Salmelin

Graduated from Helsinki University of Technology with majors in Control and Systems Engineering, Electronics and Measurement Technology 12.12.1978. Joined Finnish Technology Agency TEKES 1.8.1984. Had several management positions in Manufacturing, Industrial Automation and Electronics. From 1994 onwards deputy of Information Technology Section in TEKES. Finnish government representative for EU research in ICT since 1987. One of the creators of the global Intelligent Manufacturing Systems initiative from 1990, and chaired EFTA delegation. Moved to Los Angeles 1.1.1997, where held position of technology Attaché for TEKES with tasks to establish RTD contacts with U.S. and Finnish organisations. Joined European Commission in 1998 as He…
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