Katarína Fandáková
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Unified registries - basis for successful electronic healthcare
Project of the Unified Reference Data Base (JRÚZ) of the Healthcare branch is one of the key parts of the eHealth Implementation Programme in Slovakia. The goal of the JRÚZ project is to ensure unified, complete and authorized reference information in required time, place and format. The task of the consolidated basis is to guarantee high quality, noticeable ability and preciseness of the processed information and to eliminate error rate resulting from insufficient secured integration of the branch reference data (data redundancy, uncoordinated update and filling, ...) JRÚZ will provide reference data source related to healthcare for citizens to all relevant subjects through National Health Information System (NZIS). Basis for the target structure of the JRÚZ proposal consist of: • National administrative register of the healthcare recipients • National administrative register of the healthcare providers • National administrative register of the healthcare professionals • National pharmaceutical register • National reference codes, lists and classification of the healthcare branch This project solution is divided into four phases, with deliverables linked to main schedule of the eHealth Implementation Programme in Slovakia.