Anton Lavrin
Anton Lavrin, Dr., Assoc. Prof. He has participation in several international (mainly European) projects supported by Tempus Phare, Leonardo da Vinci, Socrates, 5FP, 6FP/ICT and 7FP/ICT and CIP. He has experiences as the evaluator in the framework of the Specific Programme “Collaboration - NMP” and “People” from the 7FP as well. Currently he is a delegate / member of the Programme Committee for Research Infrastructure and expert in ICT Committee on behalf of Slovak Republic in the framework of 7 FP and he has contract at the Department of the Project Management at the Technical University of Kosice.
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Discussion - Jiří Prúša, Ministry of interior CR - Anton Lavrin, Technical University Kosice - Igor Kočiš - Jesper Thestrup, Denmark -
European strategies and programs to support research and development