Jo Godderij
As of September 2010 Atos Vice President Public and Defence Market Relationship Management, responsible for further business development in the defence maket from a global perpespective and giving senior advise to the management. Since 1st July 2011, VP Government Affairs Europe, Middel East and Africa.
From june 2007 till end July 2010: Director General of the International Military Staff at NATO HQ Brussels. Supervising the international military staff consisting of about 500 people of 28 different nations and the associated divisions (Plans&Policies, Logistics&Resources, Operations, Cooperation&Regional Security, Intelligence and NatoHQC3Staff), responsible for developping and coordinating military advice, policies, concepts, etc. Coordinating the implementation within the chain of command of NATO. Coordinating with (the Private Offcie of) the Secretary General and the Chairman of the Military Committee in meetings, coordinating with the Strategic Commands, appropriate International Staff Assistant Secretary Generals, EU and other IO's where applicable and NATO's Nations (ambassadors and Milreps). Member of NATO HQ Policy Board, chairing and cochairing ctees with International Staff counterparts, member of Military Committee. Responsible for the IMS budget (+/- 50MEuro) and setting priorities (for reductions) in the Military Budget (+/- 1,4 BEuro) in close coordination with the Strategic Commands. Making a team of an international group of people of 28 different Nations in order to get a staff that performs integer, professional and as far as possible is refraining from national points of view.
From September 2004 until June 2007 representing the NLD CHOD in the MilCtees of both NATO and the EU (double hatted military representative). Responsible for helping to develop the NLD position in those ctees (and subordinated workinggroups) and to defend them subsequently. National member of policy development circles; advising CHOD and minister of Defence at all meetings in NATO and EU, negotiating national positions with international colleagues. Member of the Military Intelligence Review Team that led to Military Intelligence Service reorganisations.
From April 2001 until September 2004 Vice Chief of Defence acting on behalf of the CHOD in his absence in alll fora, including the ministers Policy Board, the operational board, developping guidelines for the independent service Chiefs. Responsible for running the defence staff, developping plans and policies, chairing several related ctees, senior general offcier involvement for developping long term planning for the defence budget (+/- 8,5 BEuro/year) , and supervising operations, member of the reorganisation ctee that developped and consequently executed the biggest Defence reorganisation of the NLD Defence organisation so far. Advising/informing Parliament members and accompanying them to Mission Areas Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. Member of MOD IT Ctee and Audit Ctee. Representing NLD in NATO High Level Group. Member of the Netherlands National 5th May committee (a committee organising each year the remembrance of the victims of the Second World War and all victims in operations thereafter on the 4th of May and organising each year the National Liberation Day for the 5th May)
From august 1999 until april 2001 Vice Commander in Chief of the Netherlands Air force. Acting on behalf of the CINC in his absence, representing the Air Force in a variety of MOD planning, finance and Operational Ctees, chairing the Air Force planning ctee (budget of +/- 2 BEurp per year), the Management Development ctee and the Air Force IT committee, responsible for running the Air Force Staff and ensuring it was integer, professional and in good spirit with staffs of Army, Navy and MOD, developping plans and policy for the AIr Force, chairing investigation ctees, veterans ctee, etc. Representing Air Force in NATO in air related committees. As chief of staff giving guidance and directions to NLD Air Force's Dir Personnel, Dir Materiel, Dir Finance.
From june 2007 till end July 2010: Director General of the International Military Staff at NATO HQ Brussels. Supervising the international military staff consisting of about 500 people of 28 different nations and the associated divisions (Plans&Policies, Logistics&Resources, Operations, Cooperation&Regional Security, Intelligence and NatoHQC3Staff), responsible for developping and coordinating military advice, policies, concepts, etc. Coordinating the implementation within the chain of command of NATO. Coordinating with (the Private Offcie of) the Secretary General and the Chairman of the Military Committee in meetings, coordinating with the Strategic Commands, appropriate International Staff Assistant Secretary Generals, EU and other IO's where applicable and NATO's Nations (ambassadors and Milreps). Member of NATO HQ Policy Board, chairing and cochairing ctees with International Staff counterparts, member of Military Committee. Responsible for the IMS budget (+/- 50MEuro) and setting priorities (for reductions) in the Military Budget (+/- 1,4 BEuro) in close coordination with the Strategic Commands. Making a team of an international group of people of 28 different Nations in order to get a staff that performs integer, professional and as far as possible is refraining from national points of view.
From September 2004 until June 2007 representing the NLD CHOD in the MilCtees of both NATO and the EU (double hatted military representative). Responsible for helping to develop the NLD position in those ctees (and subordinated workinggroups) and to defend them subsequently. National member of policy development circles; advising CHOD and minister of Defence at all meetings in NATO and EU, negotiating national positions with international colleagues. Member of the Military Intelligence Review Team that led to Military Intelligence Service reorganisations.
From April 2001 until September 2004 Vice Chief of Defence acting on behalf of the CHOD in his absence in alll fora, including the ministers Policy Board, the operational board, developping guidelines for the independent service Chiefs. Responsible for running the defence staff, developping plans and policies, chairing several related ctees, senior general offcier involvement for developping long term planning for the defence budget (+/- 8,5 BEuro/year) , and supervising operations, member of the reorganisation ctee that developped and consequently executed the biggest Defence reorganisation of the NLD Defence organisation so far. Advising/informing Parliament members and accompanying them to Mission Areas Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. Member of MOD IT Ctee and Audit Ctee. Representing NLD in NATO High Level Group. Member of the Netherlands National 5th May committee (a committee organising each year the remembrance of the victims of the Second World War and all victims in operations thereafter on the 4th of May and organising each year the National Liberation Day for the 5th May)
From august 1999 until april 2001 Vice Commander in Chief of the Netherlands Air force. Acting on behalf of the CINC in his absence, representing the Air Force in a variety of MOD planning, finance and Operational Ctees, chairing the Air Force planning ctee (budget of +/- 2 BEurp per year), the Management Development ctee and the Air Force IT committee, responsible for running the Air Force Staff and ensuring it was integer, professional and in good spirit with staffs of Army, Navy and MOD, developping plans and policy for the AIr Force, chairing investigation ctees, veterans ctee, etc. Representing Air Force in NATO in air related committees. As chief of staff giving guidance and directions to NLD Air Force's Dir Personnel, Dir Materiel, Dir Finance.
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Networked Operations
Networked Operations from a comprehensive perspective: a comparison between a military and civilian operation.