Tomáš Kysela
Ing. Tomáš Kysela – graduated from Faculty of Business Informatics at the University of Economics in Bratislava. Since 2003, he has worked mainly for PosAm (member of Deutsche Telekom group). Experienced in the domain of SW design and development (Java, JEE), with skills and experiences of project manager, lead analyst and solution architect. Recently works as CTO in PosAm, where his mission is to bridge business and technology solutions, creating new added value for customers. Specializes in domains of multichannel IT systems, systems integration and data analytics (machine learning, artificial intelligence).
From 2018 helps as external consultant for Deputy Prime Minister’s Office for Investments and Informatization of the Slovak Republic with topics “Better government data” and “Better eGov Services”. Leads working group of eGov architects.
From 2018 helps as external consultant for Deputy Prime Minister’s Office for Investments and Informatization of the Slovak Republic with topics “Better government data” and “Better eGov Services”. Leads working group of eGov architects.
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How to publish services to multichannel environment? Why did we inspire ourselves in the UK?
- It will be significantly easier to connect to these published services than it has been so far (e.g. for third parties in a case of OpenAPI). In a line with the aim of fighting ineffective bureaucracy, we want to replace lengthy process of making agreements on integration intentions and eventual slow build-up of dedicated integration infrastructure (VPN tunnels) for simple, although still secure protocols of accessing of eGov services on behalf of citizens or entrepreneurs to third parties.
- Unified access of services for multiple channels. In the future, this will reduce costs of building of specialized eGov access points. For instance, due to the state’s mobile app (if anybody starts to develop it), there will be no need to build integrated ”bridges”, similar to those, which were built for Central Government Portal, IOM and so further.
- eGovernment will be safely opened for innovations from external environment: eGovernment is currently developing at all levels (from basic AISs and their interconnection through the data integration platform to IT support of access points and their associated communication channels). Based on practical experience and ongoing trends, it is although obvious, that if the state does closed supplies (everything and for everyone), it is both, very expensive and it cannot satisfy many different specific groups (citizens, entrepreneurs). Therefore, state should focus on publishing and providing of business logic (service) and well integrated environment, in which “one and enough” principle is fully implemented. This is also current trend in private sector. This will allow commercial firms to develop apps and systems, which will be tailored-made for specific user groups.
- Support of decentralized developing of complex eGovernment services. Published services of individual agendas, on which it will be easy to connect, represent an opportunity to provide additional added value of connected various services to citizens and entrepreneurs. During the process of implementation of “one and enough” principle, state is concerned and communicates to respective state institutions, that with the help of the platform for data integration, it will be possible to react to changes within related registers and proactively trigger services for citizens. Benefit of this process is that innovation is developed in a decentralized environment, by owners of particular business services. Publishing of services into the multichannel environment is equal trigger, although on different level of architecture, of decentralized efforts for innovative orchestration of services by owners of access points (and information systems of third parties, supported certain groups of users in various channels).
How to make eGovernment services more attractive for the citizens?
Introduction of electronic services in public and private sectors covers wide range of processes, but often bumps into baries of user interface or interaction. Achieving communication with user strictly via electronic channels remains greatest challenge and biggest added value for all modern electronic services. Private sector spends enormous effort on introduction of electronic services and at the same time the market demands better quality of electronic communication. Too many times these two centripetal forces fail to meet, which is one of the reasons why Slovakia is on the tail of the Europe. PosAm and mTrust companies have been working close on this topic for some time and together they have unique solution to this problem - PosAm as system integrator that orchestrates technologies of mTrust to meet the vision of valuable electronic services. The aim of the prezentation is to describe advantages of their solution and possible applications in both public and private sectors.